Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #61

"The holidays are supposed to be a time of comfort and joy, but 90% of Americans report stressing over at least one aspect of the merry season."  Having traveled more than 150 miles in 24 hours, I can completely understand the root of the negative emotions that Americans feel.  For me, however, this year's stress dissipated the moment I was surrounded by family and friends; taking part in traditions that have been in place for many years.

Since there have been some wonderful changes for my family (i.e. a fantastic fiance for my brother and a beautiful new home for me and my husband), I decided to create a new tradition this Christmas that allowed my "inner-hostess" to shine!  From small bites to a make ahead meat pie, my parents, husband and I finished celebrating this Christmas together in my new home; an event (and hopefully a new tradition) that became the "most wonderful time of (my) year!"

Monday, December 22, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #61

As Christmas week commences, remember that no matter the distance, you can always be "Home for the Holidays!"

((Photo Source:  http://blog.design-seeds.com/))

Friday, December 19, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #61

On my designated Strength Training Days, I like to channel my inner ballerina at a Barre class.  My favorite are Barre Boot Camps, which are offered 2x a week at my local studio.   From squats to saches, these classes has not only helped to fill a void left empty after quitting dance, but they have also helped compliment my cardio exercise regimen.  

Like most sessions, this week my instructor brought a new piece of equipment for my classmates and me to try.  The gliding discs seemed like a painless addition to our workout, but after crawling, planking and tenduing, pain had ensued.  The pain was a "good" pain, however,  that was brought on by the utilization of muscle groups not commonly used in such exercises.  

If you are looking to slide your way into shape, check out these modifications to typical exercises using the gliding discs.

((Photo Source:  http://www.youbeauty.com/body-fitness/galleries/exercises-to-target-lower-abs#1))

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #60

While perusing Pinterest the other morning, I stumbled upon the quote show above.  I'm not sure if it was the geometry reference or the inspiration to live a full life that attracted me most, but I have not been able to stop thinking about Diane Ackerman's statement ever since!  

As if I did not have enough to reflect on, a recent segment on CNN made me think more deeply about a long, full, healthy life!  According to the news report, adherence to a Mediterranean Diet "may be the key to living longer" because of a correlation between the diet and the length of telomeres*.  As it turns out, individuals who ate meals rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, peas, unrefined grains, olive oil and fish, were able to prevent accelerated telomere shortening; aka live a longer life!

Even though the study clearly points out that lives have lengthening tendencies because of the Mediterranean Diet, the width of life is also impacted by mindful munching.  Instituting the Mediterranean Diet into daily routine reduces the likelihood of developing chronic diseases, which in turn allows individuals to participate in activities that enhance the fullness of life!

With 2015 on the horizon, resolve to live a "longer and wider" life by testing out these robust recipes!

*Telomeres are part of your chromosomes.  They are associated with aging, lower life expectancy, age related diseases, cancers and liver disease.

((Photo Source:  http://aliedwards.com/2011/01/daily-work-at-home-rhythm-things-i-have-learned#more-8975))

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday What Not #60

A conversation that my husband and I seem to regularly have revolves around technology and future generations.  We joke about our kids finding it odd that we met and dated "in person" and snicker that script penmanship will soon be passe`.  

One activity that I hope does not become a thing of the past is Holiday Card sending.  Despite the ease of eCards, handwritten greetings have more meaning, more personal investment (both monetarily and emotionally) and more permanence in the receivers' lives.  More importantly, tangible Cards have the power to heighten the spirits of both the senders and the receivers!

If you are currently deciding how to spread holiday cheer this year, read this blog post about a special salutation that changed two people's Christmas season!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #60

Rather then focusing on a Turkey Day Treat, I figured I would share with you my "Pre-Thanksgiving Eve" Dinner!

This Baked Sesame Chicken with roasted veggies will certainly make a fabulous feast!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #60

As a multi-tasker, I love discovering new and exciting exercises that simultaneously target multiple muscle groups.  In addition, I tend to favor workouts that blend different fitness"roots."  For instance, I thrive in my "Yoga-Barre" class and cannot wait to try a new class at my gym called "Burn" that pairs Barre Moves with Aerobic Intervals!

Since those classes are only offered 2x a week, I decided to add this new move to my home workout regimen.  A yoga burpee "works the entire body and gets heart rates up.  It's a powerful exercise that combines single dumbbell rows, bicep curls and overhead shoulder presses with the standard burpee move."

By doing 10 - 12 reps a day (with a weight amount that you are comfortable with), your muscles will strengthen and your "multi-tasking" mentality will be satisfied!

((Photo Source:  http://www.health.com/health/video/0,,20718230,00.html))

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #59

Even though Halloween has come and gone, the treats still seem to be "trick"-ling in.  From the mini milky ways to the snack sized skittles, it seems as though Candy Land has transformed from a board game to real life!  

Knowing my stance on sugar, you are probably not shocked that I swapped my sweets for whole food after the 31st.  For most people, however, cutting ties with leftover treats can be "tricky" since humans are neurologically wired to favor sweet flavors.  

To make the transition back to "one (un)sweet world,"  it is important to identify sweet tooth triggers.  According to New York Times best selling author, JJ Virgin, such a trigger is a lack of protein in the diet or an inadequate ability to digest protein.  

To make avoiding the snack bowl easier, it is imperative to ingest 75 - 80 grams of quality protein a day.  Such sources include naturally raised (devoid of hormones) fish, eggs and grass-fed beef.

In addition to plating protein, you can also do a coco cleanse by following these tips outlined by Popsugar.com

((Photo Source:  http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/How-Detox-After-Halloween-20216598))

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday What Not #59

For me, one of the most interesting aspects of travel is cuisine.  As my husband can attest, I read countless restaurant reviews before "taking off" and even make necessary reservations before itineraries are finalized!  In pre-selecting our meals, I make note of farm to table restaurants where ingredients are locally sourced in an effort to "nosh like the natives."  Such plate parameters allow for me to see consumption patterns, as well as evaluate regional diets in relation to body dynamics.

Having traveled abroad to Ireland, Fiji and most recently Italy,  I was amazed to see the difference in portions, contents and meal times.  Knowing that those variables play a huge part in metabolism, fat storage and overall well being, I was interested to compare and contrast my findings to that of what I have become accustom to as an American.  

Apparently, however, I am not the only one interested in evaluating the eating habits of others.  National Geographic published this pie chart to illustrate the differences in diets around the world.  As if that data was not enough of a reason to rethink our refuels, check out what a typical French student eats for lunch.  

Mangez equilibre! ;)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #59

If you are an avid reader of Wellness Wheels, you may have picked up on a food fetish of mine; Quinoa.  Quinoa is not only considered a "great grain" by me, but the Whole Grain Council also recognizes it as such!  Some of the reason's behind its "fabulousness" is its complete protein status, as well as its inclusion of amino acids, omega-3s, phytonutrients and antioxidants!

Since my husband is not as Quinoa Crazed as I am, I need to be creative in how I incorporate it into our food.  One recent meal that passed the taste test was an Eggplant and Pork Stir Fry.  When putting together this plate, I opted for pork chops rather than pork loin and used a Chili Paste rather than sriracha.  Once cooked, I paired the stir fry with cooked quinoa!  

It was a GREAT meal made with a GREAT grain!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #59 - Blog Update!

In August 2013, right after receiving my Health Coaching Certification from IIN,  I started this blog.  Since then, I have spent my mornings writing about health and wellness, while also welcoming my readers into my own life via personal stories and test kitchen recipes.   Although I cannot pinpoint the exact date and time, it was in the past 14 months that I came to discover my passion and decided to make it a profession.

Tomorrow morning, I will start my new job as an assistant in the counseling center at a local university.  Such a position will allow me to interact with young adults and share my knowledge of well balanced living.  In order to give 110% of my attention to this new role, I will no longer blog each morning for Wellness Wheels.  Instead, I will post 1 blog per week on topics that will rotate in a similar fashion to the old daily format.

It is my hope that this updated format to Wellness Wheels will keep my readers informed, as well as inspire them to pursue their own passions and find a suitable work-life balance for themselves!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #59

Mornings for me are not complete without some form of cardio activity.  Whether that be an energizing elliptical routine or a Butt Busting Barre Fitness class, I look forward to getting my heart pumping first thing in the am.  

This weekend I will not be at home to utilize my gym or attend a class at Barre and Soul.  Rather than let my fitness routine fall to the wayside, I plan to follow Jenna Wolfe's 10 minute total body workout.  The 10 moves are done in a pyramid fashion.  This means that for the first move, 100 reps are done.  For the second, 90 reps and so on and so forth.  As you decrease the reps, the exercises increase in difficulty, so its built to even itself out.  One pyramid should take approximately 10 minutes.  For more of a workout, try to do as many pyramids as possible in 1 hour."

Have a great weekend!!

((Photo Source:  http://www.today.com/health/burn-100-calories-10-minutes-jenna-wolfes-total-body-workout-2D80198245))

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #58

The other morning, Rachel Ray asked her guest, Carter Oosterhouse, if he actually institutes his helpful hints / tips in his own life.  Oosterhouse responded by saying that although he had not in the past, he had recently begun taking his own advice.

Since starting this blog, I have shared healthful hints to living a well balanced life.  Taking 90% of my own suggestions, I am guilty of not always practicing what I preach.  Today's Trend Alert, however, is one that I will pay close attention to.

Recently, a study revealed a correlation between high stress and high rates of alzheimer's disease in middle aged women.  Despite the data, scientists believe that more evidence is needed to discover actual risks of developing the disease, rather than just pinpointing a probable cause.  

At this point, risk factors fall into the following categories:  exercise, nutrition and social interaction.  In order to safe guard against the degenerative disease, it is suggested that young women focus their attention on those areas in their lives.  Simple lifestyle changes, like taking a morning jog or following this blog (wink, wink), might be a ticket for alzheimer's avoidance!

((Photo Source:  http://www.supportstore.com/ribbon-magnets-alzheimers-awareness-purple.html))

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday What Not #58

Some of the greatest memories that my dad and I have shared have been focused around a drink.  Sure, we have toasted occasions with a beer and a glass of wine, but the beverage that always brings us together is coffee.  

That liquid love began for us when I was little and we would drive to the doughnut store on Saturday mornings for my dad's cup of coffee and newspaper.  As I grew up, our caffeine craze became two sided, allowing us to bond over morning beverages in an event we called our "coffee date."  

Now, as I sit here sipping my PSL, I can't help but think of my dad, but apparently I should be thanking him too?!  According to a recent report, "six new genes were found that determine how humans react to caffeine.  The study provides insight on why some people feel happy and energized after drinking a venti latte, while others feel nauseous after their first cup of joe."  

Although this study does not focus on a love or lust for lattes, it does reveal why both my dad and I are much more smiley after our first sip!

((Photo Source:  http://www.canadiandesignresource.ca/packaging/sanka-packaging/))

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #58

From the perfect porch pumpkins to the abundance of apples lining the kitchen counter, fall has officially taken over my home's decor.  In an effort to match my seasonal spangle, my culinary creations have gone autumnal as well.  Such was the case with this batch of Apple Pie Short Bread Cookies.

To make this treat, I used this simple recipe, but revamped it slightly.  I did this by adding a dash of ground cinnamon and a dash of almond extract to the other 3 ingredients.  As the cookies baked, I blended 1 cup of apple pie filling and mixed in 1/8 cup of chopped pecans.  Just as the cookies were nearing the end of their baking time, I brushed them with the apple mixture and allowed them to finish their time in the oven with the sweet filling.  

Once the cookies had cooled slightly, I stacked the shortbread and created an apple-licious sweet!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #58

Having spent time in college studying consumer trends in my marketing classes, I tend to over analyze commercials. I rate their strength in attracting their target markets and determine if their messages were accurately delivered!  The latest advertisement that I evaluated was the Skippy - Yippee Commercial.  

In the commercial, lighthearted legumes are lifted into the SKIPPY processor, while pouty peanuts are passed on.  Grabbing my attention immediately as a peanut butter fanatic, I mostly appreciated this commercial for its underlying message -  You are what you eat!

Although I am not a fan of processed nut butters, as they tend to have unhealthy sugars, salts, oils and preservatives, I stand behind Skippy and their campaign to eat for wellness.  If everyone were to ingest "frolicsome" food (aka nutrient dense dishes), they would certainly be "YIPPEE-ing" all day long :)

((Photo Source:  http://www.startribune.com/business/275856261.html))

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #58

Rather than labeling today as "Fitness Friday,"  I am going to call it "Fall Back Friday."  "Fall Back" as in "Fall Back" into an old routine.  

Since joining a local running group, I have spent less time on the treadmill and more time on the hybrid elliptical while at the gym.  I have come to love this new machine, but missed the high that I would get after completing my morning treadmill run.  

Today, rather than striding to the elliptical, I trotted over to "my" treadmill at the gym.  With a bottle of water and a HIIT Treadmill Routine (see above) in hand, I was racing back in time and feeling great in the moment!

((Photo Source:  http://csperriton.blogspot.com/2013/03/burn-500-calories-in-45-minutes.html))

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #57

Most of us know that people better their diets in an effort to slim down, shape up or support a medical diagnoses.  Rarely do we hear of people focusing on food for other benefits.  

Having studied the powers of a nutrient rich plate, I already appreciate healthful eating and love that my meals have meaning.  For those that only see fruits and vegetables as a scale decreaser, check out these 5 reasons to eat healthy!

((Photo Source:  http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/reasons-eat-healthier-weight/story?id=25244733#))

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday What Not #57

One of the tasks that I have when assisting at my local Juice Bar is to juice vegetables for our popular green juices and whip up fruit smoothies upon request.  As an experienced juicer and smoothie fanatic, I typically do not have a problem with that assignment, however, I was thrown off when a customer asked that bee pollen be added to her smoothie.

To appease the customer, I snatched the yellow pellets that were stashed on my work station and added 2 teaspoons to her 16 oz smoothie.  The smile on my customer's face told me that she was satisfied with her sips, but I still could not figure out why this insect by-product was of interest to her.  
With some research, I discovered that bee pollen has BUZZ-worthy benefits like increasing energy levels*, strengthening immune systems, aiding in digestion and reversing some signs of aging.  In addition, the additive has been linked to mood improvement and stress relief.  

Such perks were enough to make me "swarm" to my local health food market and snatch a batch of bee pollen for my own kitchen!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #57

Having experienced Spaghetti Squash Success two weeks ago, I was leery of a second attempt.  I feared that a different take on my new fall favorite would "fall" short.  Such apprehension was "squashed", however, after one bite of a Tex-Mex version that I made for dinner the other night.
With simple swaps, like salsa for the marinara and black beans for the ground pork, my Spaghetti Squash easily became a two time dinner champion!

((Photo Source:  http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipe/spicy-spaghetti-squash-black-beans))

Monday, September 29, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #57

I normally have the morning news on while I blog.  The updates typically do not distract me, rather provide me with comforting background noise.  The other day, however, my writing was interrupted by a "feel good" interview on NBC with author Rebecca Alexander.

"Born with a rare genetic mutation called Usher Syndrome type III, Alexander has been simultaneously losing her sight and hearing since she was a child, and was told that she would likely be completely blind and deaf by age 30."  Rather than letting that prognosis stop her from living, Alexander sought to inspire others through her memoir and share that "even a darkening world can be brilliantly lit from within."

Although a powerful message, it was not the book's description that stole my attention from my blog.  Instead, it was this thought and action provoking statement made by Alexander that terminated my typing: 

"I don't have a bucket list.  I'm just living my life."

Initially skeptical about living a "list-less" life, I thought about the pertinence of the author's quote.  Although I strongly believe that it is important to have life goals, I do agree that it is BEST to live in the moment, rather than rushing toward another bucket list "line item."

((Photo Source:  http://www.rebalexander.com/not-fade-away/about-not-fade-away-book))

Friday, September 26, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #57

Now that it is OFFICIALLY fall, I can settle into a Sunday Football Routine, which often includes tailgating at the Jets home games!  With Gang Green taking on the Lions at Metlife Stadium this Sunday, my husband, my brother, my future sister-in-law and I will root on Rex's guys!  

In honor of my weekend plans, I found it fitting to share a football inspired workout.  This routine, published on Skinnymom.com, incorporates short, high powered bursts to increase speed and agility.  It also emphasizes core body strength, which is exactly what makes "those" meatheads capable of taking hard hits!

((Photo Source:  http://www.skinnymom.com/2012/10/16/the-football-workout/))

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #56

For two decades, Derek Jeter has captured the attention of baseball enthusiasts and stolen the hearts of young women alike.  Now, as he prepares for his final at bat at Yankee Stadium, Jeter plans to reach out to a new fan base; healthy foodies!  

Through his partnership with Luvo, and the continued growth of his Turn 2 Foundation,  Jeter will place priority on health and wellness via smart eating.  As a brand development officer, he will assist in product development, enhance Luvo's brand awareness and offer counsel on other relationships that are developed in the sports and nutrition world!

Despite being a self proclaimed New York Yankee Cheerleader, a Devout Derek fan, and a Foodie Fanatic, I am was hesitant to jump on the Luvo bandwagon.  This was because of my aversion to frozen meals and the additives and chemicals that come along with them.  Upon initial review, however, my skepticism was squashed.  Although I do plan to continue researching these products before actually purchasing, Luvo might just become my MVP for "no time to cook" meals.

((Photo Source:  http://luvoinc.com/our-story/partners/derek-jeter/))

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wednesday What Not #56

When you live in a city or town for an extended period of time, you establish "your" spots.  From the best breakfast brews to the superbly satisfying suppers, you know EXACTLY where to go to get what you need!  

When I left Hoboken, I was certain that I would never find a better pizza place than Grimaldi's or form a better bond with a coffee barista than I had at Dunkin Donuts.  Although such is true, I have found a new spot that not only welcomes me with a smile, but also fulfills my health food frenzy.  That place is Jesse's Fresh in Spring Lake Heights, NJ.  With each visit, I have fallen in love with a different menu option, but always seem to crave the Curry Chicken Salad.  

Wanting to continue to munch through the menu and not just stick to my Middle Eastern must have, I created my own spice blend from some pantry staples.  My curry powder (which was loosely based off of this recipe) included equal parts cumin, coriander, turmeric and salt with ginger and cayenne in greater and lesser increments respectively.  

When mixed with canola oil mayonnaise, my leftover roast chicken, some celery and golden raisins, my craving was curbed and my kitchen skills stepped up! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #56

Sure an apple a day will keep the doctor away, but I bet you never knew that an apple a day - keeps a husband happy at night ;)!

While making a skinny Waldorf chicken salad the other day, I was left with half of a perfectly picked apple.  Rather than forcing the fruit to the garbage, I decided to surprise my husband with a sweet treat!  Mixed with gluten free oats and sugar free apple sauce, my leftover apple pieces took center stage in my husband's Midnight Snack Attack!

Mindful Monday Inspiration #56

Experiencing Technical Difficulties...

Friday, September 19, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #56

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a workout that utilized a recent purchase of resistance bands.  Having perfected those moves, I was thrilled to find a few new exercises to add to that fitness routine.

My newly discovered total body resistance band workout "slashes major calories and sculpts from head to toe." It is easily modifiable for various fitness levels and is ideal for boosting stamina, flexibility and range of motion!

((Photo Source:  http://www.gymra.com/blog/total-body-resistance-band-workout-3/))

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #55

For personal health reasons, I recently began adding almond milk to my morning routine via smoothies, oatmeals and coffees.  In that time, however, I began to notice that I experienced slight stomach discomfort post breakfast.  Unsure of the cause, I began an elimination diet and conducted an internet search pertaining to my daily food and lifestyle choices.

Within seconds of web browsing, I learned about something called carrageenan and discovered that my complaint was not an uncommon one.  Carrageenan is a red seaweed derivative that is used as a thickener, stabilizer and/or emulsifier in many dairy, dairy alternatives, and deli meat products.  It has been linked to gastrointestinal inflammation, lesions and even colon cancers in animals.   

Although most companies do use the additive, not all dairy, dairy alternatives and deli meat products contain carrageenan.  Despite that information, I have decided to go DIY with my almond milk - hoping that my stomach will thank my efforts!

((Photo Source:  http://wellnessmama.com/366/organic-almond-milk/))

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday What Not #55

Whether it is the high that I have been on since my best friends visited this past weekend, or the excitement that's brewing because of a lunch date that I have with another friend tomorrow, I can't stop thinking about my BFF's.  These ladies have been with me through the good and the bad and have remained an integral part of my life, even after we graduated college.  

Knowing first hand the wonderful feelings that are associated with a visit or a call from one of my gal pals, I was not shocked to read a recent article that was published on Girlfriendcircles.com.  In the article, a study was highlighted that claimed that feeling disconnected or lonely over time could be as damaging as smoking 15 cigarettes a day!  In addition, it was stated that circle of friends could save lives, both physically and emotionally.

In order to reverse any lasting damaging from "friendlessness," reconnect with your best bud today.  That could be done simply by sending a quick email, grabbing a cup of coffee or even toasting your relationship at happy hour tonight!

((Photo Source:  http://www.mynamenecklace.com/Product.aspx?p=2392))

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #55

The other day, like many others this summer, I packed up my beach bag, lathered on my sunscreen and rode over to the beach.  This time, however, I was not soothed by the sun, but rather greeted by a brisk breeze.  Despite forcing myself to sit in the sand for an hour, the teeth chattering chill that I experienced made me realize that fall was quickly approaching.

Having swapped my boots for my bikinis, I knew that it was also necessary to switch up my kitchen for the new season.  With seasonal eating as a guideline, I ventured out to my local farm stand and purchased one of this season's hottest trends; Spaghetti Squash!  

The late summer staple not only provides a wealth of essential nutrients, including vitamins A and C, but also makes for a fabulous first fall feast!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #55

Yesterday my mom and I participated in the 2nd Annual Greta's Run in Westfield, NJ.  With a handful of 5k's under our belts, we were not nervous about crossing the finish line, but rather we were focused on improving our paces.  

After pushing ourselves for 3.1 miles, we discovered that we had both achieved a personal best - a level of running that we would have never thought possible ;)

((Photo Source:  https://www.facebook.com/zenactivesports/app_1410772655805972))

Friday, September 12, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #55

For me, there is nothing better than a quality workout to get my day started.  Typically that includes running 4+ miles on the treadmill or using the hybrid elliptical for 60 minutes.  In order to complement my cardio choices with strength training, I have come to love Barre Fitness.  I attend (3) 1 hour classes each week at Barre and Soul in Spring Lake Heights, NJ.  Not only are the classes a nice reminder of my time as a dancer, but they are also responsible for my toned arms, legs and abs!

One of the most interesting moves that my teacher introduced last week was the Forearm Plank to Pike. This twist on a yoga position targeted my shoulders, abs and legs, while allowing for modifications.  In order to make the move easier, I was instructed to bring my knees to my chest rather than piking up.  If I was up for a challenge, I was told to slide my feet out to the sides, then back in, after each rep.  

((Photo Source:  http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/videos/m/87997321/forearm-plank-to-pike.htm))

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday's Tribute (#54)

Thirteen years ago today, a horrific event occurred that not only altered the NYC skyline, but also transformed Americans' spirits.  It was a day when our nation came together and became a united family!  

On the Anniversary of 9/11, along with recalling what you were doing when news broke, remember the overwhelming sense of kindness and love that you felt for your fellow Americans.  Channel those feelings today in an effort to embody your best self and show care for those grieving for their lost loved ones.

((Photo Source:  http://www.911memorial.org/commemorate-911-0))

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday What Not #54

This morning I learned that Dunkin Donuts is now offering Almond Milk as a coffee compliment.  Having adopted this additive to my morning routine for health reasons, I applaud DD's partnership with Blue Diamond Growers.  

In celebration, I found it fitting to share these creative coffee quotes!

((Photo Source:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/09/coffee-quotes-great_n_5784668.html?utm_hp_ref=taste&ir=Taste))

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #54

Ok.  I am a creature of habit.  From my daily fitness routine to my Friday Night eating habits, I tend to keep things consistent.  Unfortunately, change was inevitable when my husband and I relocated from Hoboken to Spring Lake.  I found that I needed to revamp my routine and pin point a new pizza place.  

If you recall, I wrote about the "pizza problems" that I encountered after my move.  With 3 months worth of Friday Nights under my belt, I believe that I have been able to perfect the art of marinara and mozzarella pairing.  With such success, however, came a desire to create a new savory slice! That new slice, which coupled Bruschetta and Ricotta Cheese, now competes as a Friday Night favorite in our house!  

Bruschetta Pizza

Pre-Made Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
1/8 Cup Bruschetta oil (*) 
2/5 cup Part Skim Ricotta Cheese
1 cup Part Skim Mozzarella Cheese
1/3 cup Bruschetta

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees and lightly spray your baking pan.  Roll the pizza dough out onto the pan and pierce it multiple times with a fork.  Brush the dough with the bruschetta oil and then drop quarter size balls of the ricotta randomly throughout.  Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese onto the dough and finish the pizza off with bits of the bruschetta.  Bake for 18 minutes.  

Monday, September 8, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #54

Recently I had become my own worst enemy.  Because of the "seemingly" bad things that were occurring in my life, my sunny disposition was replaced with that of Nancy's; "Negative Nancy" that is! 

As if the universe was looking for a way to reverse such a swap, a smiley face made of pebbles (seen above) was left outside my front door.  Even though the rocks didn't fix all of my problems, the facial formation momentarily turned my frown upside down. 

Apparently such a reaction is not abnormal.  According to a study conducted at Uppsala University in Sweden, other peoples' (or inanimate structures') smiles "suppress the control we usually have over our facial muscles, compelling us to smile."  

So whether you are in need of a good grin, or want to share some "sunshine", look for a smile today!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #54

The other day I referenced a book that I am currently reading, entitled MWF seeks BFF.  The book has not only proven to be a light, humorous, beach read, but it has also provided incredible insight on relationships.  Among the many interesting theories, one seemed to strongly resonate with me; 

"You need to find people with similar values, attitudes, and outlooks.  Think about what's important to you, then find others in the same boat.  Join those activities, troll those sites."

Having just moved, I am slowly getting used to my new community.  Despite my extensive knowledge of "beach bumming," I have yet to meet people with whom I can grab a cup of coffee or stroll the shopping district.  In an attempt to create those bonds, and put the above theory to work, I joined a local running group.  With 2 runs under my belt, I have met a handful of incredible people and have discovered new running courses in the area! 

Even though my intentions were not fitness goal focused, joining a running group "can give you the access to experienced coaches and scheduled workouts to help you stick to a training schedule and become a better athlete."  If that is not enough of a motivator to get you "running" toward your local club / group, maybe these 8 others will ;)

((Photo Source:  http://www.active.com/running/Articles/8-Reasons-to-Join-Your-Local-Running-Club.htm?cmp=291&memberid=150716190&lyrisid=44130286))

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #53

I call my husband a "Midnight Monster" because of his post supper snacking.  After I go to bed, he heads for the pantry and chomps away at the chips and bites into all of the brownies! As much as I kid, his habits might be best blamed on his television choices and not his sweet tooth.

According to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, "people watching a Hollywood action movie ate twice the amount of snacks as those watching an interview program."  Researchers believe that it is the stimulation of the fast paced programming that draws its viewers in and distracts them from what (and how much) they are eating.  

Rather than banning the Die Hard Trilogies in our home, my "Midnight Monster" could become my "Wellness Warrior" by pre-portioning his showtime snacks.  Better yet, he should feast on whole foods (like fruits and vegetables) when his mouth is seeking action to mimic the pace of the late night programming!

((Photo Source:  http://scienceblog.com/74184/television-content-affects-snacking-behavior/#6jD5wGBz6l2TLrf7.97))

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday What Not #53

I recently picked up a very interesting book entitled, MWF Seeking BFF.  In the book, the 20-something author detailed her one year search for a best friend in a new city.  Among many enlightening thoughts and theories, the author discovered that meeting new people and forming relationships after the "school and organized sports" era is incredibly difficult!

Not only is making friends a challenge, but growing up also puts a damper on our imaginations.  As adults our "heads are more grounded in reality than in the sky", which is a mindset that may be harmful, not helpful!

((Photo Source:  http://www.wellnesstoday.com/spirit/5-reasons-you-should-let-your-mind-wander))

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #53

If you follow me on Pinterest, you might notice my delight over decadent desserts and my favoritism toward fancy feasts.  Although I do love testing out all of those recipes, I also enjoy nights when dinner can be put together in a snap!  

Such was the case last night when I made Salsa Baked Salmon.  The recipe called for 3 simple ingredients, all of which I had on hand.  Considering the ease that I had in preparing this plate, I decided to add a little "pizazz."  That "pizazz" came in the form of an avocado (1/2 per fillet) that not only amped up the health factor, but also made for a gorgeous garnish ;) 

((Photo Source:  http://www.joyofkosher.com/recipes/salsa-baked-salmon/))

Monday, September 1, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #53

As we transition into "late summer" (I refuse to acknowledge the onset of Fall), it may no longer be feasible to spend hours sitting near the water just relaxing.  Rather than forgetting about those warm weather pastimes, why not "dive into" this yoga routine.  

"Fish" pose (Matsyasana) targets the belly, chest, spine, shoulders and neck.  When performed it has been proven to improve posture, constipation, respiratory ailments, mild backache, fatigue, anxiety and menstrual pain.  

It might even ease the "pain" you feel because of the change in seasons ;)

((Photo Source:  http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/786))

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #52

The other morning I came across a very interesting blurb about gut bacteria.  In the write up, I learned that recent studies have shown that "the bacteria living within us may affect the foods we crave as well as our moods."  In addition, the bold bacteria may also "compel us to eat foods that they live best on." Such findings have led dietary theorists to ask "Are we to blame for our sugar snack attacks or is the culprit our Microbiome?"

Rather than letting that bacteria be the boss, try introducing better bacteria to your gut.  That can be done with the help of probiotics.  Probiotics are microorganisms introduced into the body for their beneficial qualities.  They can be derived from sources like yogurt, kefir, pickles and sauerkraut.  In addition to promoting intestinal health, probiotics have also been linked to acne relief, urinary wellness, allergy support and weight loss.

Go with your GUT on this one - and learn more about Probiotics!

((Photo Source:  http://www.qurewater.com/blog/))

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday What Not #52

The other day I received an email from my best friend regarding her uncertainty about an upcoming visit.  In the email she wrote, "I know that we are both planners, but can I confirm my attendance late next week?"  Of course I would never give my BFF trouble (to be honest I would bend over backwards just to see her), but a part of me cringed over the "unknown."

My distress over details and my preference to plan is a well known characteristic of mine, but is it a personality flaw?  According to a recent study, plans do not mean much if they are stalling progress and impairing movement toward an actual action.  In other words, procrastination and over planning are one in the same!

If like me your agenda rules your life, check out these steps to learn how to schedule successfully!

((Photo Source:  https://www.themuse.com/advice/news-flash-too-much-planning-is-just-as-bad-as-procrastination))

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #52

Having jumped on the juicing bandwagon, I understand the benefits of sipping vegetables and support those who include these drinks in their diets.  I have found, however, that despite the inclusion of healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber, some juices tend to lack the good fats that would keep its sipper satisfied.  

Rather than trashing my Nutribullet, I sought to find a recipe that would not leave me "drink deprived".  My search lead me to this recipe that not only includes fruits and vegetables, but also Omega-3 rich walnuts!

((Photo Source:  http://www.marthastewart.com/965191/green-ginger-peach-smoothie))

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #52

Last year after completing my Health Coaching studies at IIN, I decided to start this blog.  For 52 weeks, I have published posts about wellness, in hopes to share my knowledge and overall passion with my friends, family and other interested individuals.  

Today, I'm happy to not only celebrate 1 year of posts, but also the continued enthusiasm that I receive from you, my devout readers!  
I would like to CHEERS you for making my daily routine both fun and fulfilling!

((Photo Source:  http://atlantahistorycenter.tumblr.com/post/18549252351/happy-1-year-blogiversary))

Friday, August 22, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #52

During one of my fitness binges, I purchased a set of resistance bands.  Thinking that I would use them as part of my weight training regimen, I sought to find exercises that would better my entire body!  Initially I had a difficult time pinpointing more than just the basic moves, but I recently found this workout that made my purchase worthwhile.  

The routine targets multiple muscle groups and works those muscles in ways slightly different than standard free weights.  Another perk is that the resistance levels are adjustable!  That can be done simply by giving more or less slack on the band or by combining multiple bands to increase the challenge! 

Such versatility makes this piece of equipment "DYNA"-Mite!

((Photo Source:  http://greatist.com/move/full-body-resistance-band-workout))

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #51

I have a confession.  I am a Nut Butter Addict!  Whether I am adding it to my morning smoothies or making my own from scratch, I cannot seem to get enough!  

My obsession, however, has left me unnerved since 45 production lots of peanut and almond butters have been recalled due to a salmonella risk.  The affected brands included Arrowhead Mills, Mara Natha and private labels from Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Krogers and Safeway.  

Since the bacteria that contaminated the nuts and seeds probably stemmed from improper manure aging in the fields where the plants grew, homemade nut butters are also impacted.  In order to safeguard against infection when DIY-ing, make sure to follow these suggestions:

1.  Buy the freshest nuts and seeds available - Raw, organic nuts that have undergone steam-heat treatments are ideal.

2.  Once purchased, keep the nuts and seeds in the refrigerator and use them quickly!

With the help of these suggestions, we can all remain NUTS over our Nut Butters :)

((Photo Source:  http://www.bestpricenutrition.com/blog/dr-oz-nut-butter/))

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday What Not #51

As August comes to a close and Staples releases it's back to school commercials, I cannot help but remember my days as a student.  I used to love shopping for new sneakers and packing up a brand new backpack full of trapper keepers and sharpened pencils.  

Not having stepped foot into a classroom in over 6 years, I haven't experienced that "education euphoria" in a while.  This year, however, I decided to do the "shopping cart" and get Back to "School" ready! 

With the guidance of the steps listed below, I am certain that I will have an A+ Year ;)

The NON- STUDENT's Back to School Checklist:

1.  Designate a work space for yourself (If that space already exists, clear the area completely)
2.  Arrange items to suit your workflow - keep important pieces at eye level
3.  Prioritize the top drawer
4.  Purge the remaining drawers - keep ONLY necessary documents
5.  Purchase organizing accessories

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #51

Having studied under Joshua Rosenthal, the founder of IIN and the source of the above quote, I know the importance of "in season" eating.  With my knowledge, I have revamped my entire recipe repertoire and even created a Superb Summer Salad!

Superb Summer Salad

2 cups Mixed Greens
1/4 cup Organic Chopped Walnuts
1/8 cup Fresh Goat Cheese - Crumbled
1 Peach - Peeled and Chopped


3 Tbsp Organic Balsamic Vinegar
3 Tbsp Organic Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Locally Sourced Honey