Monday, September 30, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #7

I am a planner - always have been, always will be!  
In my growth as a planner, I have taken great pride in my ability to set goals and follow step by step outlines to achieve those goals.  I have also found a lot of enjoyment in plotting adventures with my friends and family; setting dates to meet for dinners, blocking off vacation time for extended excursions, etc.  

By focusing so much on the on future though, I have begun to worry that I am missing precious "present" moments; moments that may in fact be integral in getting me to those future dates. 

In an article published on Wellness Today, a fellow graduate of IIN broached this topic of "living in the moment." In the past she had struggled with differentiating between having a clear, organized plan for the future versus relying too much on the future plan.  She felt as though all of the time she spent thinking about how to achieve happiness in the future forced her to let the present pass her by.

In an effort to focus on NOW and not LATER, she outlined four terrific tips that any planner can institute into their everyday life:

1.  Schedule time to plan
2.  Call your mom and your best friend
3.  Its ok to do things that just sound fun
4.  Buy a goldfish ;) (Or something that you absolutely LOVE)

For more information about these tips, check out THIS article today! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #7

In my previous Friday posts I have discussed the benefits of spicing up workouts to avoid fitness plateaus by instituting interval training, as well as checking out new group exercise classes!  While both of those suggestions are great to institute into fitness regimens, they are pretty standard.  Today's suggestion, on the other hand, is far from normal.  It may even have fellow gym goers doing a double take when watching the performance of these actions on the treadmill. 

This new gym fad is known as reverse running.  Men and women alike have started to switch up their treadmill trotting with this backwards act as it burns more calories and lessens the pounding on their knees!  Reverse running is done by setting the treadmill to 2.5mph while the belt is stationary.  Runners turn themselves away from the front of the machine, hold the handrails for balance and start their jog/run.  Adding this type of a run to a fitness routine 3x / week for 15 to 45 minutes can help reduce body fat by roughly 2.5%!

With all of these benefits, who wouldn't want to be a little "backwards" at the gym?!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #6

One very controversial issue debated in grocery store aisles across America is whether or not to buy organic.  Because of its mainstream popularity, many consumers feel as though they have to "go green" simply to be healthy and to fit in with wellness gurus - but that is not completely true!

Buying and eating organic food does reduce the amount of ingested pesticides within the body, but not all produce contains high / harmful levels of pesticides.  In order to better explain that concept to the average American, the Environmental Working Group compiled two lists titled, The Dirty Dozen and The Clean 15.  

The Dirty Dozen includes twelve items that contain the highest levels of pesticides.  These should be avoided or bought organic.  The Clean 15, on the other hand, consists of fifteen items that contain lower levels of pesticides.  These do not need to be bought organic, but can if the consumer so chooses. 
If after reviewing these two lists you still find yourself blankly staring at the produce in your grocery store, keep this simple tip in mind:  

Produce that has to be peeled before being consumed is usually a safer choice if you are going to buy non-organic food!

Here are the two lists: 

Dirty Dozen
Nectarines – imported
Grapes – imported
Sweet Bell Peppers
Blueberries – domestic
Kale/Collard Greens
Clean 15
Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas
Cantaloupe – domestic
Sweet Potatoes

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday What Not #6

As September comes to a close, I am forced to realize that the half marathon that I will be running is fast approaching.  Having trained since mid August, I believe that my body is semi-ready for the 13.1 miles, but I'm not so sure that my confidence is as prepared.  After each attempt at a practice "pavement pounding", I worry more and more that I will not be able to complete the course in the allotted time.

My worries led me to research ways to mentally prepare for such a race, and what I found was very enlightening!  In an article published by the Huffington Post this summer, the topic of music as a motivational tool was broached.  The author noted that previous studies have revealed that:

"music can increase the length of time someone works out, can lower their feelings of exertion, and can help them run faster."  

She also referenced the impact that beat and tempo has on an individual's stride length.  

Absorbing all of this information and attempting to relate it to my current stresses, I realize that I may need some help from each of you.

If when you read this post a particular song came to your mind that makes you run faster or work harder, would you please share it with me?!  I plan to download each of your suggestions, upload it to my Ipod for the race and share the final compilation with all of my readers!

It is my hope that this playlist will be an inspiration to all - and the motivation that I need to make it through my first half marathon!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #6

This past weekend my husband treated me to a birthday shopping trip at Garden State Plaza.  Having grown up nearby and having visited quite frequently as as child, I pretty much know every route around this enormous mall in Paramus, NJ.  
What I did not expect was a brand new restaurant situated right across from California Pizza Kitchen.  ZinBurger is an "energetic, modern, upbeat, fun restaurant" that offers fresh gourmet burgers, salads, milkshakes and a carefully crafted selection of wine!  If the description alone does not make you want to travel to this new culinary hot spot, maybe knowing this will:  

Greasy food lovers (my husband) and health nuts (me) can both be satisfied after a meal here!

After carefully perusing the menu, I opted for the farm salad.  This salad consisted of chopped mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, avacodo, quinoa, garbanzo beans and feta cheese.  It came dressed in a champagne vinaigrette.  Words could not describe my love for this tasty green dish, but my empty bowl certainly illustrated my contentment ;)  

Wanting to replicate this meal, I jotted down the ingredients before leaving the restaurant and made a quick stop at my local grocery store before arriving home that evening.  Leaving out the mixed greens, as they tend to wilt and spoil relatively quickly, I combined the nutrient rich staples and stirred together a light champagne vinaigrette.  Dividing the salad into 5 lunch sized portions, I was ready to tackle the 9 - 5 grind, in a healthy way!*

Check out this recipe for a Champagne Vinaigrette

Monday, September 23, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #6

Have you ever noticed how focused our society is on numbers?  
We count the number of calories in each one of our meal choices.  We examine the amount of fat grams that make up our favorite treats.  We jump on the scale after each sweat session to see how many "Lbs" we were able to drop.  Having seen this habit grow, in both myself and my peers, I can't help but wonder why numbers are dictating our lives? 

In her editor's note this month, Betty Wong of Fitness Magazine, wrote about this obsession and suggested that people reassess their relationships with numbers. Wong did not negate that numbers help you keep your eye on the prize (and in line with appropriate health and nutrition), but she begged "digit crazed" individuals to avoid using those measurements as markers of their self worth.

This piece of advice can be difficult to institute into a daily routine, especially when surrounded by so many individuals who base their success and worth on those numbers.  However, as my best friend recently blogged, remaining strong, confident and level headed will ultimately refocus your fetish on what the numbers mean, not what they are displaying.

One of the best lines from her post, and an excellent takeaway for anyone calculating every move he / she makes, is this:

"I'll cut right to the chase: I've gained lbs since April...but the way I'm looking at it right now is; did I enjoy myself?  Did I learn something?...Absolutely, I enjoyed myself"

So today (and everyday) concentrate on how great you feel and how much fun you are having; not on the numbers that have been blinding you!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #6

In last week's post, I broached the topic of interval training.  In addition to the perks that I noted within my update, interval training is also a great way to spice up a mundane fitness routine.  
According to a study conducted by the University of Florida, people who change their workouts every two weeks (for an eight week period) reaped the following benefits:

1.  Increased enjoyment in their workout
2.  Stronger inclinations to continue with their workout regiment
3.  Greater chances of avoiding a fitness plateau

Increased enjoyment and bettered odds to continue with a workout are obvious benefits, but for fitness newbies, not hitting a plateau is key in your overall workout success!  Simply put:  

The only way to build fitness is to continually change up your routine!

Why not take the time this weekend to check out a unique way to "spice up" your workout!
If you are in the NYC area, here are some classes to consider.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #5

For years, models have been scrutinized for portraying an "un-average" American woman.  Similar negative claims have been made against the media deeming that "unhealthy" body ideals for both men and women are seen all too often in television shows, advertisements, etc.  The latest backlash against body images, however, targets a very popular website, known for its ease in collecting and organizing things that "pinners" love. 

If you haven't already guessed, the website is Pinterest.  In a recent report released by NBC, the website has been linked to fostering unhealthy habits and developing body image issues amongst its users.  The most obvious example of this claim can be seen in the picture above.  Like many pictures of its kind, this super skinny, toned, woman branded with the word "Sweat" conveys that working out will provide identical results.  Convincing themselves that the end result will be "lean" and "toned", "pinners" may indulge in compulsive exercising and decreased nutritional ingesting.  

What users of the popular site need to be aware of is the difference between "fitsporation" and "thinsporation."  If such images as the one above provides you with the motivation that you need to get a normal dose of heart pumping exercise, than it is nothing more than a healthy "fitsportation."  If you find yourself clocking more time on the treadmill and less time eating healthy meals, these images might be harmful in acting as a negative "thinsporation."  

Rather than unsubscribing to Pinterest, take some time today to practice your self confidence and realize your self worth.  Remind yourself that there is no 1 perfect body size / shape and that no means to slim down are worth hurting yourself over!

For additional habits to boost your self confidence, check out an article released by my Alma Mater, The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday What Not #5

At the minimum, full time employees spend 40 hours a week in the office and/or performing their specified duties.  In today's society, however, 40 hour work weeks are scarce and more employees are working upwards of 50 to 60 hours a week!  The extensive time away from home can have different impacts on individuals, but if the corporate environment is appealing, the impact might not be as substantial.
In a recent article written by the CEO of Hightail, Brad Garlinghouse shares a very valuable piece of advice about choosing your work.  That suggestion is:

"Take the professor, not the class."  

At face value this suggestion looks to relate more to students, however, Garlinghouse goes on to discuss how that same advice holds true in the workplace.  
He notes that if you will be spending 50 to 60 hours a week in your cubicle, "make sure that you are surrounded by passionate people" who enjoy what they do and inspire you to work to your greatest potential!

To read more about how Garlinghouse has instituted this advice into his life and how you can do the same, check out the article,

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #5

As much as I have tried to fight it, Autumn is upon us :(  
Having suffered slight separation anxiety after packing my flip flops away, I realized that there are some GREAT things to look forward to as the leaves change and begin to fall!  One of those things is visiting local farms to pick apples and pumpkins. (O yea! The re-introduction of Pumpkin Flavored Coffee at Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts is also not a bad perk!) 

This past weekend my husband and I visited Demarest Farms.  After immediately being drawn in by the overwhelmingly, delicious scent of apple cider and freshly made cinnamon doughnuts, I stumbled upon the produce section of the market.  It was there that I picked and purchased a butternut squash; the perfect ingredient for an early autumn warming soup!

Tonight I plan on serving this tasty treat as a way to heighten my spirits as the temperatures plummet into "sweater weather."

Monday, September 16, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #5

I'm sure that we have each been prompted to "do something nice for ourselves" at one point or another.  Most of the time this "kind" demand comes when we are feeling low, defeated or blue, but that does not need to be the case.  Actually, that should never be the case!
Taking time to do something for yourself each day is a fantastic way to improve your relationship with yourself.  That relationship, which is usually put on the back burner in order to foster or develop other friendships, is the most important.  C'mon, you can't argue that it is the longest relationship that you will ever have :)

Today I challenge you to set aside some time and do something that will make you smile.  Here are some ideas that might inspire you:

1.  Take a walk during your lunch break
2.  Treat yourself to an ice cream or small dessert
3.  Purchase something that you have been dreaming about for the past month
4.  Create a new recipe and prepare it for dinner tonight
5.  Catch up with a friend who you haven't spoken with in a while

For other activities to consider, check out this recent article from Wellness Today.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #5

Have you ever skipped the gym simply because you couldn't commit to an hour long sweat session?  If you are guilty as charged, you have missed out on an amazing opportunity to develop explosive strength and improve your cardiovascular health!  This missed opportunity could have been avoided by following a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) plan.  "HIIT describes any workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less-intense activity or even complete rest."  

For those who favor the treadmill, research has shown that just 15 minutes of HIIT training (performed 3x / week) will burn more calories than running for double that amount of time.  This training method also has the potential to increase aerobic capacity, which lends itself to endurance activities!

For those who venture toward the free weights or strength machines, HIIT training can also prove beneficial.  Short bouts of intense work requires the body to rely on an anaerobic system as its energy source.  Relying on this type of energy will increase growth hormone and testosterone levels within the body, ultimately resulting in muscle growth.

Now that you know how quick you can tone / trim, you might just find yourself squeezing in some exercise on a regular basis!
((Please note rest and recovery recommendations for all workouts))

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #4

Have you been turned off to carbs by the Atkins Diet or by the countless claims that eating carbohydrates make you fat?  If so, you probably cringe at the sight of the above picture and have made a personal pact with yourself to avoid the bread and pasta aisles at the grocery store.  Being a huge advocate for "moderation", I have found it difficult to completely remove carbohydrates from my diet but never have had a complete understanding as to why or why not I might need this macro-nutrient on a daily basis.
It wasn't until I was introduced to cell metabolism in my Personal Training studies this week that I fully understood.

Carbohydrates are a necessity in energy production within the body.  Not consuming enough will leave an average individual feeling lethargic and an athlete fighting for fuel to complete his / her workout.  

Where people get themselves into trouble when it comes to carbohydrate intake is eating the WRONG types of carbs.  Ideally, consumed carbohydrates should come from natural, not refined, sources such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and legumes.  The carbs from these items are full of vitamins, minerals and fibers that are necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

So maybe avoiding the bread and pasta aisles weren't completely the wrong choices, but don't let that fear of carbs stop you from visiting the fruit and vegetable stands at your local markets!  

To get more information about the importance of carbohydrates, check out this article from

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday What Not #4

Twelve years ago today, the world witnessed a horrific tragedy.  In the years that have passed since 2001, Americans have come together to support, protect and care for those directly and indirectly affected.

From that support and care have come countless pieces of art in the form of photographs, paintings and poems.  Below is an except from a very powerful poem that illustrates the importance of always counting  your blessings and never taking anything (not even a day) for granted!

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone today.

"But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "! I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay! ."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today."

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #4

There is probably nothing that I hate more than hearing that the summer is over.  Reports of Labor Day being the onset of fall make me cringe, especially since the sunny season does not officially end until September 21st!

In an effort to keep the summer alive for the next 2 weeks, I picked up the last bits of summer produce at my local farmer's market this weekend.  One of the items that intrigued me was the Pattypan Squash.  This adorable vegetable is low in saturated fat and sodium and contains 0 cholesterol!  It also provides an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and fiber!

After perusing Pinterest for some creative preparation suggestions, I stumbled upon this recipe for Baked Pattypan Squash Parmesan.

I can't wait to reap the nutritional benefits of this dish, while savoring the last bit of flip flop weather tonight!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #4

When I started my blog, I decided to make each day a different theme.  For my avid readers, I'm sure that you have seen this pattern.  For those of you who are new to my daily updates, I guess my secret is now out and you understand why this post's title is: "Mindful Monday Inspiration #4."  ;)
In creating the themes, I made it a point to make Monday's entries positive / thought provoking / "inspirational" in an effort to lessen the effects of the Monday Blues.

The state of depression known as the Monday Blues sets in at the close of a lovely, relaxing weekend.  Upon realizing that a new work week is about to start, an individual may feel overwhelmed, saddened or stressed. He / She may notice a lack of passion or motivation and might feel more sluggish than usual.

If you find yourself giving your alarm clock an evil stare on Monday mornings, check out these tips on easing your way back into reality.

If nothing else, think of the completion of Monday as 1 day closer to the next weekend!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #4

We all have it!  
That pesky area that no matter how hard we train or tone, fails to show us the results that we want to see.  Even more frustrating and confusing are the various articles / suggestions / tips that bombard our Google Searches when we begin our plan of attack!

I saw this first hand the other night when a devout SPIN fan approached me, frustrated with her unsuccessful efforts to tone her hips and thighs. 

"I thought SPIN would shrink my hips back to their pre-baby size!" She said, obviously very disheartened.

 Not wanting her to give up, I explained that she was definitely on the right track by "clipping in" each week, but that she might need to amp up her toning routine while off the bike.  My suggestion lead to my quest for additional information and eventually my discovery of these toning techniques.

By performing the outlined moves 3x a week, you will have "happening hips" in no time! 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #3

"But here is a crazy idea:  Why not do away with your Super Size options?  Who needs 42 ounces of Coke?  A half pound of fries?"

In his documentary "Super Size Me", Morgan Spurlock examines the influence of the fast food industry on the American public and details the harmful health repercussions that "drive thru" choices can have.  Spurlock also touches upon a widely debated topic that has been in the news quite a bit recently thanks to New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  That topic is portion size.

Over the past 40 years, the average daily caloric intake has increased by 570 calories!  Approximately 230 of those calories are a direct result of larger portions. Dr. Lisa Young, author of The Portion Teller Plan, attempts to explain why this increase to XL meals has stuck by stating that "even though today's serving sizes can be more than triple what the USDA recommends, they've become our new normal, and anything smaller can seem puny by comparison."

In an effort to shrink your plates (and your waistlines), why not become acquainted with what a true/healthy portion should be!

Once you know just how much you SHOULD be ingesting, that 42 oz Coke and that half pound of fries will look like a meal for an entire town!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday What Not #3

Who is Carrie without Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte? Who is Rachel without Monica and Phoebe?  
Pop culture makes the power of friendship very recognizable by pairing actors with other actors in almost every sitcom or television series' scene.  This cinematic matching is not just coincidence, rather it supports the idea that socializing has significant health benefits!

In a study conducted by the University of Edinburgh, 298 gorillas were evaluated on a social level for 2 decades.  Results displayed that the extroverted gorillas outlived their more shy counterparts by 3 to 4 years!  Based on these findings, scientists were able to draw these 2 conclusions:

1.  The DNA in the genes that control "friendliness" are likely to be near the genes for a stronger immune system.  The close proximity leads to an inheritance of both traits at once.
2.  Social interactions lessen stress, which in turn lowers inflammation, decreases strain on the heart and increases immunity.

In an effort to boost your immune system and lessen your stress levels, why not plan an outing or get together with your best buds this weekend?!
Here are some fun ideas to consider:

1.  Grab a cup of coffee/tea at a local cafe
2.  Dine at a new restaurant in your area
3.  Challenge yourselves at a fitness class
4.  View a new movie release at your local cinema
5.  Attend an event sponsored by your town/city (i.e. Farmer's Market, Nature Walk, Art Viewing)
6.  Pamper yourselves by getting a mani/pedi
7.  ((For Distant Friends)) Schedule a FaceTime / Skype  / Phone Call Date

Whatever plan you decide on, make sure to have a great time with your best bud(s)!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #3

On a recent episode of Giuliana and Bill, Giuliana and pal Robbie decide to jump on the "juicing bandwagon."  Setting up shop in Giuliana's kitchen, Robbie and Giuliana began throwing fruits and veggies into a blender in hopes to create a refreshing, delicious green concoction.  Their efforts proved successful (according to their palates), but what is it that makes a green smoothie/juice both delicious and nutritious?!

According to an article published in U.S. News and World Report, a perfect green refresher includes:  leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.  This combination will provide fiber, protein, vitamins, folates, and potassium to its drinker, all while aiding in energy boosts, weight managements and cleansings.

If you are thinking about "going green", here are some suggestions for each of the smoothie/juice components:

Leafy Greens:  Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard, Mint, Parsley, Collard Greens, Spirulina
Fruits:  Oranges, Bananas, Blueberries, Strawberries, Dates, Sapote, Durian, Apples, Clementines
Vegetables:  Cucumbers, Carrots, Ginger Root, Celery, Tomatoes, Onions, Red Bell Peppers, Sweet Potatoes, Beets
Healthy Fats:  Almonds (Almond milk - perhaps), Hemp Seeds, Flax Seeds, Coconuts, Cashews, Macadamia Nuts

If you need a spark of creativity before blending/juicing, check out these recipes:

Happy Sipping :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #3

"Go with your Gut" / "Trust your Gut" / "Did you get a Gut feeling?" 
I'm sure that you have heard one or all of these gut references before, but do you know how powerful that voice from your stomach actually is?!

According to Dr. Deepak Chopra, a leading neuroendocrinologist and well respected IIN contributor, "a gut feeling is actually every cell in your body making a decision." Dr. Chopra expands upon this by explaining that the gut even has it's own nervous system; possibly more powerful than the human central nervous system.  He is able to support his theory of gut power by noting that the "nervous system in your gut does not have the ability to doubt itself like the central nervous system."

Simply put:  "That strong gut feeling you get is every cell in your body making a decision that is without a doubt right for you!"*
Will you ever second guess your gut again?!