Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday What Not #71

One of the driving forces behind the creation of this blog was my diploma from The Institute of Integrative Nutrition.  While in an ideal world, my weekly posts would have yielded client connections, Wellness Wheels instead led me to approach my life more holistically and interact with likeminded individuals.

Although we have never communicated directly, I follow a fellow IIN student, Jamie Mendell, via her amazing website,  Along with being a Certified Health Coach, Jamie is a Certified Transformational Coach whose written works have been published in The Huffington Post, Women's Health and MindBodyGreen.  

Yesterday I read her most recent blog, which really struck me as powerful since I had been feeling a little melancholy about the upcoming holiday.  In her post, Jamie suggested a moment of reflection as a way to track growth and change over the past 365 days.  Through a series of questions, individuals can feel confident going into "2016 with a better understanding of (themselves) and what (they) want to create!"

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tasty Tuesday Treat #71

One of the newest traditions that my family has instituted is Christmas:  Part #2 at my house.  This year we hope to add a few new guests, but if not, my parents will join my husband and I for a nice Christmas meal and some festive games!

Since meal prep will be minimal considering my Christmas Eve/Christmas Morning travel itinerary, I need to be very strategic in my menu making.  One amazing hack - which can also be time saving with pre-made dough - that I came across in my research was crock pot dinner rolls.  These beautiful buns will save space in my oven and be a huge hit for my carb loving family!

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Monday, December 14, 2015

Mindful Monday Inspiration #71

Keep humor in the holidays!

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Friday, December 11, 2015

Fitness Friday Fact #71

While at yoga yesterday, my instructor prompted my class to "row our boats."  After some chuckle from my classmates, we all met in navasana (boat pose) and began to swing our arms from left to right.  While maintaining a straight spine and focusing on our ujayii breathing, our cores began to strengthen with each side movement.

Although a yoga position, navasana (boat pose) and its compliment "row your boat" are two incredible core strengthening moves.  By adding either to your fitness routine, your abdominals will not be "up the creek without a paddle." 

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Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #70

Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I have had my fair share of opportunities to find the perfect Christmas gifts for my loved ones.  Had I missed out on these two "holidays," however, I would still be able to snatch up some super stuff since many retailers have extended their "sale season" this year.

If you still need a gift to give, check out these Fitness Focused finds from Oprah's Favorite Things!

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