Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday What Not #37

Satisfying your hunger may be as simple as a sip away!

Studies have shown that people confuse thirst with hunger.  In order to avoid overeating, try drinking a glass of water before reaching into your snack cabinet.  If after 5 minutes you are still hungry, then indulging in a nutrient dense delight is completely justified!

(Photo Source:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #37

When I was first told that I would be traveling to Minneapolis, I have to admit that I was apprehensive.  I was convinced that despite arriving in April, I would be greeted by a blizzard and a dull and dreary environment.  What I found upon landing, however, were picturesque lakes and delicious dining options.  

One of the greatest culinary experiences of my trip took place at Bar La Grassa.  With a counter seat, I watched each signature supper be prepared and was able to learn about the origins of the ingredients.  

Despite the delicious dinner that I was served, I was most intrigued by the Giant White Bean Salad with Pickled Vegetables that was served complimentary.  Determined to save room for the rest of my meal, I planned to only have a taste of the salad.  Two seconds later, the small dish was empty and I was on a mission to find a recipe that would replicate this spectacular side.  

Thankfully Whole Foods came to my rescue with their spin on the salad, allowing me to bring a piece of Minnesota back to NJ!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #37

An interesting article was recently published by the Huffington Post entitled "15 Secrets to Having the Best Perspective on Life."  Among the thought provoking secrets was one that caused me to stop and reflect for a moment.  This secret was number 5 on the list and dealt with spreading oneself too thin.  Guilty of filling my days with 25 hours worth of tasks, I found relief knowing that consolidation might help me rediscover 24 hours in a day :)

Secret #5:
Compartmentalizing your life is like going to three parties in one night; it sounds like a good idea until you wake up exhausted and bitter the next morning.  If your life, hobby, family and passion are all different things, maybe it's time to consolidate them into one.  Then, you won't suffer from the problems that come with compartmentalizing life.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #37

Last summer while at the beach with my family, my cousin introduced me to an exercise that her volleyball team had been doing during pre-season training.  The name made me giggle, but the premise of the move was definitely not a laughing matter.

A burpee is a glorified squat thrust that targets every muscle in the body.  This exercise was first developed by the military in the 1930's but has since gained immense popularity in the world of sports and fitness!  

In order to get the most from a Burpee, both toning and calorie slashing wise, following these 4 steps that were recently outlined by Women's Health Magazine:

Step 1:  While standing with your feet hip-width apart, squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you, palms down.

Step 2:  Jump your feet back, arms extended, so that your body is long and symmetrical in a plank position.

Step 3:  Pull your legs under you so that you are back in a squat position, your palms face down against the floor.

Step 4:  Stand and jump straight up into the air, your arms stretched out toward the ceiling, landing back on your feet.

((**Aim for 2 - 4 sets of 10 burpees in your next circuit workout**))

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #36

With a handful of celebrities bashing the media for photoshopping and others advocating makeup-free outings, it is a shock that the general public has not followed suite.  Instead, new reports have claimed that Americans have become plastic surgery crazy due to the popularity of Selfies!

A selfie is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a website.  In the social media world that we live in, these photos have become the new first impressions.  No longer are people initially meeting face to face, but rather interacting over the internet before getting together.

 Since first impressions are crucial, I can understand the narcissistic nature of wanting to look appealing.  However, altering your physical beauty simply because a portrait doesn't make you look like a model, seems drastic to me.

Even though I am an advocate for true beauty coming from within, I have seen a few apps that might spark Selfie sureness.  Rather than going under the knife, take a moment to check out these new smart phone apps:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday What Not #36

One of the things that I am most looking forward to when I officially move to my new home is being able to ride my bike.  My husband and I purchased our "wheels" almost 2 years ago, but living in Hoboken has made that pleasant pastime a scary sport!

Although our new location will provide us with a safer atmosphere, being newbies to the area will make it more difficult to know exactly where to ride.  In order to plot some Saturday Morning Spins, has become my new go-to-guide!  Along with other features, this app has 70,000 pre plotted routes to choose from! 

As if my excitement could not get any greater, I also discovered new innovative bike gear while reading May's issue of Better Homes and Gardens.  Among others, Bitlock grabbed my attention and will certainly be my first purchase before embarking on my first ride!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #36

Did you know that Spring's sweetest crop is the pea?  
Not only are they "candy like" in taste, but peas are also sweet for providing the public with their first taste of the warm weather season!

Wanting to make the most of this fresh find, I began researching recipes where peas were the prize.  I stumbled upon this pea pesto which also incorporates omega-3 rich walnuts!  I love the versatility of this recipe and cannot wait to try it in soups, pastas and pizzas!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #36

"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement.  
It's a state of mind; 
A state of mind that says

My thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are with all those who are running today!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #36

Even though snow dusted the ground in the Northeast earlier this week, bathing suit season is right around the corner.  Knowing that they soon will be sporting a bikini once again, most women have begun to fret over the lack of attention that they have given their abdominals and cores since Labor Day.

Rather than taking part in a "crunch" marathon, attempt to strengthen both your abdominals and back muscles.  Exercise that fosters a solid relationship between anterior and posterior muscles creates a balance to look slimmer, tighter and taller.  More importantly, such exercise will help to build a beach-worthy bod!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #35

It's time to put your calculators away!  

In a report released by ABC News on April 11, "the calorie counting that defined dieting for so long is giving way to other considerations, like the promise of more fiber or natural ingredients."  This shift in munching mentality has been a hot button issue for nutritionists and trainers for quite sometime, but has finally grabbed the attention of the food industry.  Brands like Special K, that had marketed 100 calorie products have begun to roll out "hot cereals that tout a blend of grains such as quinoa and barley." Similarly, Lean Cuisine recently introduced a new product line that includes natural ingredients with more generous serving sizes, aka slightly more calories per box.

While some figure focused friends might bypass these new products on their quest for low calorie chow, conscious consumers will reap benefits for two major reasons; better sugars and healthier lifestyles. 

Having blogged about its dangers both apparent and hidden, I am a huge proponent for limiting a person's daily sugar intake.  Historically, low calorie foods have been stocked with sugars to boost their flavor.  Although products that include natural ingredients and have higher calorie counts still include sugar, their sources are more likely to be nutrient dense.

As for healthier living, Dr. Joel Fuhrman wrote his book, "Eat to Live", based on the equation: 

 health = nutrients / calories

  Fuhrman's equation supports the anti-calorie counting movement and boasts that diets with higher ratios result in weight loss and overall decreases in cravings for fat, sweets and high calorie foods. 

While keeping these benefits in mind, attempt to revamp your next trip to the market by finding nutrient dense foods, not chintzy calorie ones.   

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday What Not #35

Not that you should need another reason to spend time outside, but a recent study just revealed that "people exposed to at least 20 to 30 minutes of bright, morning light tend to have a lower BMI."  Researchers claim that the blue hues from the morning sun affect the hormones that regulate appetite.  They also feel as though the bright light helps to improve moods and prompt healthier decisions throughout the day.

Such findings also support previous research that had focused on vitamin D and weight loss.  Low levels of vitamin D (which can be obtain via sun exposure) were noted in individuals who were overweight.  Their weight was assumed to be the result of their hypothalamuses sensing an inadequate amount of vitamin D, thus increasing lbs and prompting hunger stimulating hormones.  Such internal defense mechanisms make sense, especially when you think of hibernating bears who need to bulk up to stay warm during the dark days of winter.  

Since we are not bears, and we do not need extra "girth" to survive cold climates, we can greet the rising sun with open arms! Since simply standing and looking at the sun will not shed lbs, try taking your morning cardio routine outdoors to enjoy both the physical and emotional results that will result :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #35

Despite having a small-ish kitchen, there are two staples that I always find room for in my pantry.  Those ideal items are almond butter and quinoa.  Having used them separately in smoothies and main course meals, I was thrilled when I discovered a Peanut Butter Quinoa cookie while in Michigan last week. This perfect pairing of my favorite staples made for a terrific on-the-go breakfast, but was versatile enough to be an afternoon snack.  

Since I could not bring back a year's supply of cookies, I sought out to find a recipe that would mimic my Michigan purchase.  I found this recipe via pinterest and have been baking up a storm ever since ;)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #35

While at the airport last week, I vowed not to purchase another magazine before boarding the plane.  Despite my effort to avoid the "Hudson News Shop" next to my gate, I still found myself drawn in by the many publication options.  When I noticed that my role model, Robin Roberts, was on the cover of May's edition of Good Housekeeping, I couldn't help but purchase the magazine immediately.  

With my initially unwanted reading material in hand, I stepped onto the plane and settled into my seat.  Only sentences into the interview, I was already amazed at the strength and courage that Robin demonstrated while battling MDS.  I was also in awe of her attitude toward living a life untainted by public stigma.  

Above all else, I loved this statement that she made at the conclusion of the interview.  I hope that it may act as encouragement for everyone to live a more positive life!

"It takes courage to believe the best is yet to come, especially when you are flat on your back and don't know if you're going to see tomorrow.  I'm no Pollyanna, but I believe that optimism is a choice - a muscle that gets stronger with use.  Right foot, left foot...just keep moving."

Friday, April 11, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #35

While in Ann Arbor this week, I took a private pilates class at Move.  Having worked with my own pilates instructor at home, I had an idea of what I was up against when I walked into the studio.  I assumed that we would focus on my troubling IT band, but what I did not expect was to learn something new about the implications of my perpetual pavement pounding.

My Michigan instructor pointed out that my arm and upper back muscles, as well as their corresponding fascias, are incredibly weak.  She noticed this specifically when I attempted to stretch my fingers while pressing against a wall.  Although this is not uncommon for runners like me, she did want me to focus on building up those muscles.  

As a first step in strengthening, my Michigan instructor demonstrated this close arm wall push up.  She explained that if a person were to do this exercise everyday, while gradually increasing both the repetitions and space between herself and the wall, she should be able to tone the runner's trouble zone!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #34

There does not seem to be a day that goes by that the obesity epidemic that plagues the United States is not addressed in the news.  What is not as common, however, are stories that feature a protagonist who struggles with gaining weight.  

Frances Chan was recently in the news because of her claim that Yale University threatened to suspend her unless she put on a few pounds.  According to the story, the University sought to help Chan with her "low weight diagnosis" by providing nutritional support, as well as mental health counseling.  Unable to produce the immediate results that the University wanted, Chan remained at risk for being asked to leave school.  Eventually, the University apologized for their mistake, but their actions have not gone unnoticed by those with weight gain issues.  

People who struggle with maintaining a healthy weight know all too well that "stuffing their faces with ice cream and Cheetos" will not solve their problems.  They also know that pounds do not  pack-on overnight.  Gaining weight healthfully requires a great deal of attention to nutritional details, meal planning, and workout regimens.  It also calls for no more than 1 to 2 lb increases per week. 

When unrealistic expectations are placed upon individuals, like they were in the case at Yale, weight gain will not be successful nor will it suit the individual's wellness in the long run!  

If you struggle with needing to gain weight, please comment below.  I would love to start a conversation around healthfully "boosting bulk!" 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wednesday What Not #34

In May's issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine, author Katty Kay was interviewed about her new book, "The Confidence Code".  The book analyzes the importance of determination and its relationship with women's equality.  

What I found most interesting about the interview was not the research that proved that "confidence trumped competence as a quality for success", but rather the steps that all women can take to spruce up their spunk!

According to Kay, there are things that can be done to gain confidence.  Check out what she had to say about boosting her boldness and try to institute such tactics into your own life:

"Give a toast at your best friend's birthday.  It doesn't have to be before 2,000 people or an executive board.  You might blush and stumble, but people will respect you for supporting your friend.  At a party, dare yourself to chat with a stranger.  I challenged  myself to kitesurf - even after 2 summers, I looked like an idiot being dragged down the beach.  But after many years, I've mastered it.  I feel physically braver in other ways.  It's a vicious cycle."

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #34

Despite how easy going or open minded you are, you probably have one pizza place that you claim has the BEST SLICE EVER!  As a kid, I swore that place was Junior's Pizza in Oakland.  My family would have a large cheese pie delivered every Friday night and it would be devoured in seconds!

After moving to Hoboken, however, I was introduced to Pizza Perfection at Grimaldi's Pizzeria.  Their brick oven masterpieces make my mouth water all week as I anticipate my Friday night meal!

Now that my husband and I are moving, we will no longer be able to polish off a margarita pie from Grimaldi's each Friday.  Instead, we will need to search high and low for the NEXT BEST SLICE EVER down the shore! 

In the interim, I decided to test an "out of the ordinary option" for us to feast on.  The new recipe that I found was posted on one of my favorite food blogs, Two Peas and Their Pod.  Bloggers, Maria and Josh, created this pizza after tasting their Spinach Basil Pesto.  Having spent the past two Friday nights in the kitchen with this recipe, I can honestly say that I'm in no rush to find my new local favorite!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #34

When I was little, my dad and I would go on a Saturday Morning Date.  Each Saturday, my dad would escort me to his car and we would head toward the center of my hometown.  Our mission was to pick up doughnuts for my family, as well as a cup of coffee and the newspaper for him.  

Because of distance, we no longer spend our Saturday Mornings singing Beatles songs or devouring doughnuts, but we have managed to keep the tradition alive.  We have done that by meeting up for a cup of coffee when our schedules allow, as well as joking via text about the importance of a morning java jolt!

When I stumbled upon the above illustration, I couldn't help but think about my dad and our shared love of coffee.  Over the years I have learned the importance of caffeine as a survival mechanism, but I have also gained an appreciation for the beverage.  Such an appreciation allows me to savor each sip and momentarily feel as euphoric as I did on my "Daddy Dates" :)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #34

"It's a lot easier said than done!"
I have found that that phrase has become a staple in my daily language and is often directed at the styrofoam cylinder that cohabitates with me.

Having struggled with an inflamed IT band, I know a great deal about the benefits of foam rolling.  I also have found creative ways to use this tool in my core strengthening routine.  What I havent done, however, is ACTUALLY take my foam roller out of my bedroom closet!

That changed this week after reading this tip from Barre3:

"Commit to foam rolling for 10 minutes, 3x a week to improve your flexibility, reduce stress levels and reduce your risk of injury.  The tool is the next best thing to a deep tissue massage, only cheaper!  Focus on rolling your glutes, inner thighs, quads, IT Bands, hamstrings, and calves to keep your knees and lower back pain free!"

Not only did I appreciate this tip for its emphasis on future injury prevention, but I also loved its claim for a "spa like" retreat ;)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #33

Yesterday morning, NBC News reported on a salt study that had recently been conducted.  According to the researchers, the CDC's current recommendation of less than 2,300 mg of salt / day is too low for a healthy diet.  The study suggested that Americans can ingest up to 4,945 mg of salt / day without experiencing the negative health effects.  

Having tweaked many of my recipes because of my husband's struggle with his blood pressure, I was in complete dismay as I listened to Matt Lauer's overview of the story.  Like many families, we had blacklisted salt in our kitchen!  

Before I dusted off my shaker, however, I read further into this study.  I was not shocked to read this line:

 "The study actually shows that both too much salt and too little are harmful."  
(Have I mentioned moderation before...wink wink)

Since salt is imperative for water retention and muscle contraction, it is necessary to include the condiment / seasoning into meals.  This does not mean that individuals should continue to shake their salt shakers!  Instead, people should sustain their current diets and remain conscious of what is actually being ingested. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday What Not #33

First there was Brangelina now Brusselkale?!

This hybrid green is a cross between Brussels Sprouts and Kale, but boasts a milder flavor.  Considering both players in this couple are superfoods, the nutritional value of Brusselkale is Super - Spectacular (2x the vitamin B6 and 2x the vitamin C found in Brussels Sprouts)!

As an advocate for fresh, whole foods, I was concerned about Brusselkale's possible genetic modifications.  After some research (which I will continue to do before purchasing this dynamic duo), I discovered that hybridization and genetic modifications (GMO's) are two very different processes.  Hybridization is "developed through a specific, controlled cross of 2 parent plants.  Usually, the parents are naturally compatible varieties within the same species (which in Brusselkale's case is Brassica oleracea).  This crossing of varieties happens naturally in the wild - but can be directed by breeders to control the outcome." *   Genetic Modification, on the other hand, entails laboratory gene splicing between vastly different species.  The outcome is a phenomenon that would NEVER occur naturally in nature.

According to Hungry Girl, this produce is now available on the East Coast and should travel west shortly!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #33

One thing that I learned while in Mississippi was that fast food restaurants reign!  From the McDonalds on each corner and the Wendys scattered between, my cuisine criteria was definitely challenged!

I did not have an issue when I ate at City Grocery, however, since its menu is farm to table and its chef is a James Beard Award Winner!  Each of the plates described on the seasonal menu made my mouth water and my stomach excited to eat!  

While dining that evening, I selected a seared duck breast complemented by a pea puree, grilled cauliflower and a parsley salad.  Although the picture above makes it look like I barely touched my meal, I actually attempted to lick my plate clean to ensure that I didn't miss a bite!

After leaving City Grocery, I knew that I needed to come up with a way to replicate the dinner that I had just devoured.  By dissecting the dish, I figured I would first attempt the grilled cauliflower as a side for an upcoming meal for my husband and I.

This recipe caught my eye and will definitely appear on my dinner table this week!