Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday What Not #70

Sure a lean turkey might not be a popular choice for your Thanksgiving spread, but these holiday swaps will leave you feeling satisfied - and skinny!

Side Dish:  Creamy Cauliflower Puree 

((Photo Source:

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tasty Tuesday Treat #70

"Hello my name is Kate and I am a CREATURE OF HABIT." 

This short coming of mine dictates many aspects of my life, especially my culinary creations.  Each week I follow a schedule that includes a veggie dish on Mondays, a meat dish on Tuesday, a fish dish on Wednesday and a poultry dish on Thursday (Side note:  Friday nights have always been and will continue to be Pizza Night in my household).  

In addition to that pattern of proteins, I also plan on every Sunday being "Slow Cooker Sunday." This past Sunday, knowing that I would spend a majority of the afternoon routing on the JETS, I decided to utilize the crock pot for pre-dinner prep.  I placed my spaghetti squash into the slow cooker, as per the instructions of Hungry Girl, and waited for the strands to be "shred" ready.

Once the squash was cool enough to handle, I wrapped the shredded "spaghetti strands" in a towel to remove the excess water.  Since spaghetti squashes are very water dense, I placed the wrapped strands in a clean towel in my refrigerator to allow for maximum moisture removal while I went to the stadium.

Having cheered my butt off at the game, I was thrilled to be able to quickly cook this delicious Spaghetti Squash Lasagna for my husband and I upon returning.  Not only did it appease my "creature of habit" nature, but it also acted as the comfort that I needed due to the Jets' loss.

((Photo Source:

Friday, November 6, 2015

Fitness Friday Fact #70

It is no secret that I love to run!  I thrive on the endorphins that I get from my morning 5.25 mile treadmill trot and I enjoy the time I spend improving my cardio strength.  

Despite being a "hulk" in the cardio strength world, I tend to find that I am a weakling in the weight strength world.  This is mainly because I fail to concentrate on building muscle, even though the long term benefits would improve my overall health and well being.  

Rather than letting another weekend go by where I pound roughly 10.5 miles worth of pavement, I plan to try this beginners strength training circuit tomorrow.  

((Photo Source: