Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday What Not #63

In general, sickness is not cause for celebration.  In fact, the word tends to have a negative connotation when used in everyday communication.  Spring Fever, however, does not fall into that category. Instead the ailment actually prompts partying, not pouting!  

Having researched this seasonal sickness, I came to learn that there are varying viewpoints on what Spring Fever is and what causes it. In a poetic realm, Spring Fever is linked to sex drives and feelings of love.  In the world of science, it is described as a positive suffering from heightened levels of energy, decreased need for sleep, lightened eating habits and reduced feelings of depression *.  

Despite the different roots, both views point to a specific hormone as the leading cause of Spring Fever.  That hormone is melatonin.  "As light during the spring months increases, the body produces less melatonin, causing a lift in mood, a reduced desire to sleep and an increase in libido."  

If you feel as though you are not yet suffering from Spring Fever, which could easily be the case considering the morning frost that continues to cover the Northeast, feel free to try these mood boosting activities:

1.  Increase your exposure to natural light or take part in bright light therapy
2.  Increase your physical activity, especially outdoors!

*There are instances where Spring Fever prompts lassitude, loneliness and hopelessness.

((Photo Source:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tasty Tuesday Treat #63

If you are an avid reader of Wellness Wheels, or have toasted to my Irish roots in the past, you probably know that St. Patrick's Day (aka It's great to be a Murphy day!) is one of my favorite holidays.  I love the "Leprechaun" levity in everyone's steps and the vibrant green spirit (both emotional and alcoholic) that fills the day.

In previous years, I have spent the holiday catching glimpses of the NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade and drinking along side some of my favorite fellow Irishmen.  This year, however, because of my new locale and my new co-op membership, I have decided to party with my (crock) pot and feast like my forefathers!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Mindful Monday Inspiration #63

((Photo Source: