Monday, January 26, 2015

Mindful Monday Inspiration #62

For some reason, the universe had a funny way of pointing out my stubbornness this weekend.  From my mini-melt down over a "to do list" to my "winter woe" wallow, I came to realize that my tunnel vision goggles we "SOOO last season."  Instead of buying a new pair of "blinders," I decided to (hypothetically) spend my money on a new perspective - and try something for the first time!

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Fitness Friday Fact #62

As a devout treadmill runner - and a crazed creature of habit - I thoughtlessly end up on my favorite machine each morning to pound out 5 miles.  Although I do alternate * between walks, sprints, inclines, etc, I have recently come to dread my morning endorphin boost! 

To avoid machine melancholy, I randomly started skipping to get through my last quarter mile this morning.  The hopping, albeit strange from a spectator's perspective, got me excited to find other variations for my cardio workout.  My research led me to a video clip from CBS News.  In the segment, celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson demonstrated a treadmill dance routine, that actually included skipping.  

Having watched the segment, I can't wait to bust a (NEW) move tomorrow!

*Muscle confusion is a training principle that states that muscles become accustom (accommodate) to a specific stress when the same stress is consistently applied to them.  In order to avoid accommodation (homeostasis), individuals should always vary exercises, sets, reps, and weight! 

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #61

Back in November of 2013, I wrote about the benefits of crafting.  In that particular blog post, I referenced a theory that linked creative activities with an increase in focus on the here and now!  Although I found that pertinent for the holiday season when originally posted, I now see a connection between art and an awesome new year!

As mentioned on the Today Show, putting together a 2015 vision board is not only a creative activity, but it is also a fantastic way to remain motivated and focused on goals and resolutions.  By pasting photos, phrases, advertisements and/or articles to a board in your home, your "right brain" will lead you to a righteous year ahead!

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday What Not #61

If you are anything like me, you took a moment on January 1st to reflect back on 2014 and dream big about 2015.  Whether you aspire to loose weight, participate in a new activity, or streamline your finances, the next 358 days will most likely be spent attempting to "make good" on your goals.

Unfortunately, life can get in the way of scoring 100% on your resolutions.  Although you may view your negative results as a failure, I urge you to "redefine success"  like Idina Menzel recently did.  In an interview she stated, 

"You can't get it all right all the time, but you can try your best.  If you've done that, all that is left is to accept your shortcomings and have the courage to try to overcome them."

By focusing more on your efforts and less on your results, 2015 has the potential of being one of your most successful years yet!

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