Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #11

Is your pasta making you sad?!

According to a study that was released yesterday, women who ate diets heavy in refined grains, like pasta, were 1 / 3 more likely to suffer from depression than those who opted to pass on their spaghetti.

Upon first glance, the connection seems outlandish, however there actually is a strong relationship between food, inflammation and moods.  Certain refined grains when eaten trigger cellular inflammation.  This type of inflammation is not the type of inflammation that we see via swelling or redness.  Instead it is a silent "pain" that disrupts the natural processes of hormones within the body, preventing the DNA to respond the way it normally would. *

In order to safeguard yourself against becoming a victim to your dinner choice, opt for a "mediterranean style" diet. A "mediterranean style" diet has been proven to reduce inflammation by suggesting that food like olive oil, legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, vegetables and fish be eaten.  The diet also includes a moderate consumption of dairy, a moderate consumption of wine and a low consumption of meat products.

Knowing that there are plenty of "cheerie" choices out there, make sure to let go of the linguine and gorge on some greens :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday What Not #11

Are you getting the most from your workout?!  Unfortunately, if your cardio exercise of choice is not sufficiently "stressing" your body, you might not be doing any good for your aerobic fitness level!

In order to make sure that your sweat sessions are beneficial, it is incredibly important to calculate your maximum heart rate.  Knowing this number will help determine your aerobic training zone.  The training zone encompasses the range of heartbeats from your aerobic training threshold (the minimum level of intensity) to your anaerobic threshold (the maximum level of intensity).

To calculate your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220.  The result is an age predicted maximum beats per minute.  Once determined, you will want to find your aerobic training threshold.  That number is the result of finding 55% of your maximum heart rate.  Lastly, you will want to figure out your anaerobic threshold.  To do that, multiple your maximum heart rate by .85 (85%).

Here is a real life example based on my age:

Maximum Heart Rate:  220 - 27 = 193
Aerobic Training Threshold:  193 x .55 = 106
Anaerobic Threshold:  193 x .85 = 170
My Training Zone:  106 - 170 beats / minute

Now that you have all of your calculations, you will want to make sure that your heart is beating accordingly while you are running, biking, rowing, etc.

For those of you who are "tech-y" or those that don't want to be bothered by a calculator, check out this great article listing the top heart rate monitors to purchase, as well as an easy to follow interval workout plan!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #11

"Well I can feel it comin' - One thing I know for sure - Is I got Redbird Fever - And the Cardinals are the cure"

Still feeling the the "heat" from my amazing experience at Busch Stadium for Game #3 of the 2013 World Series, I felt obligated to honor a St. Louis' staple in today's post- BBQ!  

Although I did not get a chance to sample the succulent sauce that coats most pork dishes there, I was told that St. Louis was recognized as America's Top Grilling City by Kingsford Charcoal and placed 4th on Zagat's Best of BBQ

Knowing that most retail BBQ sauces include a great deal of high fructose corn syrup, I sought out to find a more suitable pork dressing!  My quest ended on a website that not only outlined a Missouri inspired sauce but also suggested a terrific pulled pork recipe!

Hopefully the sauce and the recipe will leave you feeling the fever too!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #11

There is nothing better than being the cause of someone's smile!  Whether is be through a funny joke or a helping hand, a happy grin has positive effects on both the smiler and the smilee!

One of the best ways to cause endless smiles is to take part in fundraising type events.  The time and effort put into such events has a happiness scope that spans from the participants to the individuals being "celebrated."

A cause that is near and dear to my heart is Breast Cancer Awareness.  Being as though October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I would urge everyone to check out the local events that honor those affected by the disease.

Whether you can take part in one, or have a different charity to support, your willingness to help will turn a lot of frowns upside down!

Fitness Friday Fact #11

Whether you spend your time at the gym pumping iron or pounding the < indoor > pavement, you have undoubtedly walked passed the machine shown above.  Stair Climbing Machines were first introduced in the early 1980's and have since become one of the most popular methods amongst gym rats to exercise aerobically.

To be honest, I had always found Stair Climbing Machines to be a bit boring, opting to get what I considered a "better workout" on the treadmill.  After reading more about these types of machines, however, I completely changed my mind! 

Stair Climbing Machines are safe, time efficient and functional pieces of equipment.  Because of their design*, Stair Climbing Machines minimize the orthopedic trauma that can occur while exercising.  For comparison sake, a workout conducted on a treadmill can cause joint trauma ranging from 1.5 - 3x an individual's body weight!

In regards to being time efficient, using a Stair Climbing Machine can substantially improve an individual's aerobic fitness level in as little as 15 minutes a day, 3 days a week!  That is less time than watching 1 episode of Revenge!

Most importantly, choosing the Stair Climbing Machine at the gym allows your body to exercise "functionally."  Functional movements are incredibly beneficial to an individual's body because it requires the joints, muscles and the neurological system to react to each other as they would in real life.  Once again proving how safe these machines actually are!

So whether you are in need of a new cardio outlet or simply looking for a way to safely enter the workout world, why not "step up" on a Stair Climbing Machine!

*Stair Climbing Machines that offer independent stepping actions do not place stress on joints, where as machines that force dependent stepping actions can cause undue levels of orthopedic trauma.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #10

While at lunch the other day with my dad, who is an avid coffee and diet coke drinker, we began talking about what constitutes a "healthy" cup of coffee.  Claiming that he adds milk and 1 / 2 of a sugar packet into his medium sized morning brew, he wondered if he was on the right track to "wellness."  When we discussed his concerns further, I found out that his uncertainty centered around the sugar vs. sugar substitute debate, a debate that has been widely publicized in the news lately.

Having discussed the benefits of quitting sugar in a previous post, I was not surprised to read a recent report released by NBC News.  The report detailed the declining popularity of Diet Coke because of its artificial sugar ingredient, aspartame.  Aspartame is a "diet" sugar substitute that contains phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol; three well recognized neurotoxins.  When ingested in large quantities, aspartame has been associated with causing headaches, fatigue, heart arrhythmias, gastrointestinal disorders, extremity numbness, etc.
Coincidentally enough, opting for sugar substitutes in conjunction with weight loss plans is actually a hindrance, not a helper.  This is because artificial sweeteners alter the way the body metabolizes sugar.

Knowing the negative implications of sugar substitutes and the importance of moderation, I was still at a loss as to how to instruct my dad on how to "drink better."  Would he be better off ingesting pure sugar? The answer of course was NO!  

Sugar is incredibly toxic and is to blame for the increase in obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease in America.  What individuals should reach for when a sugar craving hits are whole foods, such as sweet fruits or sweet vegetables.  Other options include foods sweetened with dates, maple syrup, blackstrap molasses or honey.

As for an ideal morning pick me up, a cup of coffee is best taken black.  If that seems less than desirable, topping the drink off with unsweetened soy or almond milk will provide the added "umph" that you might be missing!

For more tips on how to start eliminating sugar from your plate, check out this terrific article!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday What Not #10

Who doesn't love a night out with friends?!  From the conversations, to the delicious food, it is the ultimate stress reliever after a long day of work.

What tends to negate the nice relaxed feeling, however, is the anticipation of the final bill.  Questions of who will pay for what and how will the tip be settled can make even the calmest of diners feel anxious.

In order to remain calm, cool and collected, check out these apps which will shift your focus from stressed to satisfied!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #10

One of my favorite options for a quick breakfast is a granola bar and a banana.  This "protein and carbohydrate packed" treat is perfect to help me refuel after my morning run and keep me satisfied until lunch!  

In an effort to create my own version, limit the unnecessary sugars and avoid another trip to the grocery store, I sought out to find a recipe on Pinterest.  What I came to find was that most recipes called for  a plethora of ingredients, which inturn would cost me more than simply purchasing a box of Nature Valley's finest ;)

Before giving up on my search, I stumbled upon this recipe which only requires 5 ingredients.  These ingredients are:  dates, agave (honey could be used as a substitute), almond butter, unsalted almonds and rolled oats.  When making these bars I also included dried cherries for a boost of sweetness and chia seeds for added energy!

Not only did my morning routine appreciate this "creative shakeup", but I can honestly say that I felt incredibly energized to run my half marathon after eating one of these bars last Sunday!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #10

It's official!  
I completed my very first Half Marathon yesterday in Hershey, PA!  The 13.1 miles spanned the land in and around the park, allowing participants to forget about their aching legs and breath in the sweet smell of chocolate :).  

Having never taken part in a race as long as this, I was incredibly nervous in the days leading up to October 20th.  Despite the miles that I had tracked in training, I didn't think that I had it in me to be able to run consistently for what I assumed would be over 2 hours!

As I approached the starting line at 7:30 yesterday morning, with 2 of the most motivational and inspirational women that I have come to know during training, I knew that it was now or never!  I needed to believe in myself and push through the possible pain and fear that I would encounter during the next 13.1 miles.  

What I didn't anticipate was the support and encouragement that allowed me to run and complete the race in 1 hour and 55 minutes.  The support and encouragement came from my amazing parents, my incredible husband and my fantastic running buddy!  Each of these individuals kept me going through their cheers, their smiles, their claps and their motivational chants!  

I want to THANK THEM ALL and let them know that it was because of them that I was able to accomplish this goal of mine! 

Thank you for believing in me too!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #10

It is the core of almost all yoga classes, but for those non-yogi's, breathing might not be the focus during sweat sessions.  This lack of concern is actually detrimental to cardiovascular endurance and can hinder necessary recovery processes.

In order to strengthen the respiratory muscles, an individual should be conscious of his / her breathing patterns during workouts.  The most effective way to breath during strength exercises is exhaling during the transition from eccentric to concentric muscle contractions (aka the challenging part) and inhaling during the less strenuous portion.  This pattern prompts muscles to remain under "stress" to accomplish work and relax when that work is done.

Breathing correctly in cardiovascular exercises is also important, but must match that of the anticipated duration of the workout.  For instance, in sprints, an individual should inhale and exhale right before the start of his / her quick run.  The exhale, however, should never be a complete release of air in order to maintain a certain level of tension in the muscles.
For long distance "pavement pounders," slow and deep breaths are best to keep the body relaxed and loose for the miles that lay ahead.

If your exercise of choice is not weight lifting or running, check out these breathing tips (organized by type of workout)that can enhance your performance!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #9

Will Oreo's slogan be changed from "Milk's favorite cookie" to "America's MOST ADDICTIVE cookie"? 

In a report released yesterday, Scientists from Connecticut College revealed that this "sugary, fatty treat can elicit the same reaction and activate the brain in a similar manner as cocaine and morphine."  The study was performed on lab rats and it monitored the inclination of the rats to stay in rooms where oreos were present versus rooms where rice cakes were the "dish of choice."  It was no surprise that the rats opted for the sugary treats, but it was interesting to find that in a parallel study rats who were injected with cocaine (rather than saline) had an equivalent preference to that source, just like in the oreo / rice cake scenario.  

This report was not published in an effort to "dethrone" Oreos as one of America's favorite guilty pleasures; there are plenty of other sugary, fatty culprits hiding on the shelves of grocery stores. 
What can be taken from this study, however, is the importance of snacking healthy and snacking in moderation.

For some better alternatives to munch on, check out this list of treats!

If Oreo's have been your "go to" dessert, check out this article about swapping high sugar / high fat ingredients to create scrumptious sweets of your own!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday What Not #9

Its obvious that we consider what we will wear and what we will say before entering into a professional or social situation.  It is also normal that we anticipate the reactions that we will receive based upon our chosen outfits and statements.  What tends to fall to the wayside in those scenarios, however, is the attention to the "wordless" interactions that might occur.  Knowing that body language can say more than words, writer Laura McMullen addressed the topic of the "belly button rule" in this article published earlier this year by US News and World Report.

The "belly button rule" helps to determine the level of attractiveness and attentiveness of individuals based on the positioning of their midsection, aka their belly button.  If a person's belly button is facing you, according to the rule, they admire and trust you.  They are also actively engaged in the current situation or conversation.  On the other hand, if a person's belly button is pointed perpendicular to yours, then they are not "present" and are most likely not interested in you or the topic at hand.

Being able to recognize these positions is an asset in all situations and can help you portray the appropriate image to your future friends or employers.  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #9

From making this adorable pumpkin dip for a party last weekend to sipping on pumpkin spice lattes daily, there is definitely a little "fall festive-ness" running through me! My excitement for the brisk weather is not to be confused with my lack of love for summer, but rather a "boost" in my kitchen experiments!

One of my favorite "go to" autumn lunch recipes is an Apple Walnut Salad.  The leafy treat contains a mixture of greens, chopped apples, light walnuts, dried cherries and a small amount of blue-gorgonzola cheese.  What truly makes this salad "superior," however, is the homemade dressing that coats the leaves and the other fall inspired ingredients.  
This dressing, among other things, includes apple cider vinegar.  

Apple Cider Vinegar helps to control appetites, clear complexions and boost immunities.  It also aids in digestion and can stabilize blood sugar!

To create this dressing for your next lunch meal, follow this recipe:

1/4 Cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 Cup of Canola Oil
2 tsp of Honey
1 tsp of Dijon Mustard
Salt and Pepper, to taste

This recipe will yield WAY TOO MUCH for just one salad, but it will keep for up to a week in your refrigerator.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #9

A fellow Girls Gone Sport Crew Member posted these pinterest style quotes on her blog last week.  As I prepare for my first half marathon this Saturday, I have found comfort in the illustrated inspirations!  I hope that you will too - regardless if you are a runner or a "runner at heart"

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #9

I would be lying if I told you that the emphasis of my gym visit was on strength training.  In actuality, I spend an hour daily doing cardio work and only about 20 minutes focusing on my muscles.  Having just put down my ISSA Personal Trainer Guide Book, I realized that I might be leading my body down the wrong path with my 60 : 20 gym time ratio.

According to my studies, there is a general lack of adequate muscular strength in individuals today.  This lack of "bulkiness" has lent itself to poor overall musculoskeletal functions.  In order to "build up" strength before muscles ultimately "breakdown," individuals can focus their attention on strength development via resistance training.  The most effective way to do this is with a very simple tool, a dumbbell.  

Dumbbell training is the ultimate form of weight training, allowing for the simultaneous growth and development of the agonist muscle, as well as the synergistic and stabilizer muscles!  In layman's terms, this means that the main and supporting muscles targeted in a particular exercise will benefit and grow!

CrossFit experts have researched this form of weight training and have instituted such exercises into different circuit training routines.  Check out this sample CrossFit program this weekend and start to see yourself go from "brittle" to "buff!"

((If you are in the Hoboken NJ area, take advantage of this FREE TRIAL offer @ CrossFit Hoboken))

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #8

On a recent episode of Good Morning America, the news anchors introduced a segment entitled "The Fat Letter."  According to the report, a growing number of schools across the United States have taken part in an anti obesity campaign that centers around BMI measurements.  The campaign involves annual weigh - ins that result in letters being sent home to parents to reveal the BMI's of their student.  

Such correspondence has caused a great deal of controversy, especially with raising concerns of eating disorders and bullying in the classroom.  Supporters of the campaign, however, stand behind the evidence that BMI measurements can pinpoint early obesity and help families keep their students healthy for the long run!

If presented correctly, I believe that such an initiative is a great way to combat childhood obesity, as well as prevent the negative health repercussions that result. Not only is this measurement useful for children, but it is also a great indicator for adult health and wellbeing too!  

Do you know your BMI?  If not, check out this resource as well as this calculator tool to find out your BMI and how to "tweak it" to live happier and healthier :)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday What Not #8

It seems to me that the phrase "There's an App For That" is being used more and more these days.  It does make sense considering mobile devices do almost everything short of breathing on their own, but have apps and mobile device functions forced certain pleasantries into early retirement?  

Take for instance the newly opened "bookless" library in San Antonio, TX.  With the creation of the Kindle, Ipad and other e-Readers, book lovers can now rent virtual fiction or nonfiction pieces without browsing the shelves of their local library.  

Not only are community staples being sideswiped by technology, but what about basic communication.  Families now "pull up an extra chair" for their cellphones while eating just incase an email comes through during dinner.  Even sillier, are the instances where people are texting back and forth while in the same room!

Don't get me wrong, despite being slightly "tech challenged,"  I do appreciate the apps that I have on my phone and I have officially given in to reading books on my Kindle.  I do find it necessary, however, to separate every so often and live a little "prehistoric" ;)

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #8

In honor of October being Vegetarian Awareness Month, I figured I would "Go Green" with today's tasty treat post.  

To better appreciate this month's celebration, its best to understand what vegetarianism actually is.  Vegetarianism is defined as the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat - red meat, poultry, seafood and the flesh of any other animal.  

This lifestyle is far from a new diet trend, considering some of its root principles were derived from the ancient Greeks.  According to historians, Pythagoras encouraged individuals to avoid consuming meat because of its health benefits and because eating meat provoked human violence!  

Regardless of why a modern day vegetarian has chosen such a lifestyle, he / she reaps many health benefits that meat eaters do not.  Such perks include a lower blood pressure and a reduced chance of heart disease.  Eating green also lowers a person's carbon footprint :)

If you are considering becoming a vegetarian, check out this step - by - step guide to make the transition more clear and easier for you!

If you just want to "party like a meat-less eater", why not whip up this tasty alternative to lasagna

Monday, October 7, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #8

Even though people claim that print is a dying trend, I still find myself buying trashy tabloids and monthly magazines while waiting at airports for my flights.  So was the case as I prepared to board the plane home to New Jersey from the Portland International Airport last Friday.  Minutes before takeoff, I popped into the quick mart nearest to my terminal for a bottle of water.  A bottle of water, a book, a pack of gum and two magazines later, I was ready for my journey home :)

Hoping for a distraction from the possible turbulence, I flipped through the latest edition of Good Housekeeping.  What I was not expecting to find tucked between healthy recipes and cleaver organizational tips was a motivational interview!  The one - on - one "chat" with Michael J Fox left me feeling inspired and motivated to live more positively!

Having been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease twenty years ago, Fox has had to overcome many hardships, both personally and professionally.  During those two decades, however, Fox decided that he would not let his diagnosis "rain on his parade."  He even instituted this mantra into his daily meditations:  

"My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance and in inverse proportion to my expectations."

That mantra, as well as these Seven Life Lessons to Live By, were just a few of the many reasons that I was exhilarated to live a more "worry free," genuine life!  It is my hope that by reading these lessons (and the extended article), you will feel the same!

1.  Don't Let an Opportunity Pass You By
2.  Marry the Right Person
3.  Keep your Head Up
4.  Listen to Your Loved Ones
5.  Teach Your Children Well
6.  Fight the Good Fight
7.  Never Give Up

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #8

This week in my certified fitness trainer course, I studied muscle mechanics and musculoskeletal deviations.  I was amazed to learn about the interconnected-ness of all of the muscles and joints within our bodies and to discover safe and effective ways to exercise those muscles.  
One of the most interesting tidbits that I came across pertained to the spinal column and the benefits to good posture. 

Did you know that your posture actually determines the outcome of your performance and well-being?  

That was new information to me, as were these additional good posture perks.  
Good posture:
1.  Keeps the organs in place and allows them to work efficiently and effectively.
2.  Enables an individual to walk, run, jump, lift weights, etc, safely and effectively.
3.  Prevents future back problems.
4.  Rehabilitates back issues.
5.  Allows for an individual's body to "feel good" because of the ease of movements, the increase in muscle strength / flexibility and the proper functioning of internal organs.

Why not "straighten up" this weekend by checking out these pilates inspired moves to lengthen and strengthen your MOST IMPORTANT FUNCTIONAL UNIT!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #7

In a world so heavily focused on dieting and staying slim, its no wonder that people question their every food thought and / or craving.  Concerns of when to eat, how much to eat, where to eat and what to eat make what used to be a pleasurable experience a complete nightmare!  Because of this, people are no longer eating when they are hungry, stopping when they are full or indulging in what they actually are craving!  
In order to change the eating mentality from a struggle to an enjoyable way to nourish the body, Intuitive Eating was introduced.  Intuitive Eating is a way of life, not a diet!  It focuses on trusting the body and "checking in" before, during, and after meals to monitor levels of satisfaction.  People who have adapted this lifestyle have watched their obsession with calories disappear, their drive to over-exercise lessen and their guilt from unhealthy food choices fade.  More importantly, those individuals began to eat without distractions or as a means to comfort / punish themselves.
If you have found yourself questioning your every food move in the past, why not try out intuitive eating?!
Here are 10 Secrets to successfully institute it into your life!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday What Not #7

Finding your career passion is the key to making the 9 - 5 grind feel less like work and more like play!  
Check out ways to find that passion and to make your job one that does not need escaping from!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #7

Greetings from the land of all things lobster :)!
Thanks to my work / travel schedule, I had the opportunity to visit Maine this week, where I will tour three prestigious universities.  A trip like this, however, does require some exploration as well as a some mimicking of a "Mainer's" lifestyle.  
In the short amount of time that I have been here so far, I have come to realize that unlike the tri-state area, the Pine State's mentality is cool and calm.  Residents are friendly, cab drivers welcome conversation and baristas are not just interested in how you like your morning coffee.  I have also noticed that if there is an opportunity to add lobster to any dish, it will be done!
From that discovery came the idea for this post, as I have experienced one of the most amazing lunch treats that I have ever tasted!  
That scrumptious lobster filled concoction was the lobster stew from Portland Lobster Company.  Between the chunks of fresh Maine lobster meat and the toasty bread bowl, my taste buds were in heaven!
If you have an opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Portland, Maine, I highly recommend Portland Lobster Company as a lunchtime retreat.  If you can't make it up to the area, check out this recipe for a homemade Lobster Stew that can easily be made in any kitchen!