Friday, January 31, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #25

On Wednesday, I provided you with some suggestions on how to survive Super Bowl Sunday as it related to dips, decorations and definitions. Today's post, however, will focus less on the party and more on avoiding a calorie overload! author, Kisar Dhillon, created a Super Bowl Sunday Challenge that has participants doing quick excercises in tandem with the Big Game.

If you are up for the challenge, check it out here!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #24

Coincidentally enough, my personal training lesson this week beautifully complimented a trending story in health news.   My studies focused in on fitness for children and one of the leading stories this morning on NBC was the "Weight Fate." 

According to a recent study, "a child's weight in kindergarten can foreshadow a struggle with obesity later in life."  Although there are many factors that impact an individual's body weight, there are plenty of ways to reverse what has been deemed the inevitable.  

One of the most recognized ways to prevent childhood obesity is physical activity.  Campaigns such as Fuel Up to Play 60, empower youth to take action for their own health by implementing long term, positive changes.  The premise of "Fuel Up to Play 60" encourages kids to consume nutrient rich foods and achieve at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.

When fostering a child's growth and development via training regiments, however, it is important to remember that although movement is imperative, a child is not an adult!  They need to take part in activities that captivate their attention and help build a foundation for a healthy life. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday What Not #24

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when someone mentions The Super Bowl?!
Is it the commercials?  Is it the wings? Is it the game itself?

Regardless of your response, when Sunday rolls around, you will most likely be celebrating with friends and family.  Getting ready for those festivities, however, may require a little prep work.

Here are some tips on how to gear up and score big during your Super Bowl Party:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #24

Having just returned home from a week on the road, I was itching to get back into my kitchen. Although cooking is always my "yoga", this weekend's desire was heightened because of my attendendance at my first ever cooking demonstration!  The demonstration took place at the North Market in Downtown Columbus Ohio on Wednesday Evening as a part of the Local Chef Series.  During the 2 hour event, I watched Kent Rigsby of Rigsby's Kitchen prepare a 3 course Italian masterpiece that was simple yet satisfying!

Whether it was the inspiration from Kent's talk or the lack of attention that my pots and pans received the previous week, I decided to attempt a completely new recipe for my Sunday Night Dinner.  This recipe for Sweet Potato Gnocchi was one that I had seen a few months back, but was too nervous to undertake.  After looking over the steps for preparation, I felt confident this time that I could atleast make an edible version of this spin on a classic italian supper.

When all was said and done, last Sunday's meal may not have been the best dish that I have ever platted for my husband and I, but it was one that exemplified how a bit of inspiration can lead to great personal achievements!

Cooking Notes:  I served the Sweet Potato Gnocchi over Sauteed Spinach.  When preparing the Spinach, I added pumpkin seeds to my pan in an effort to add additional crunch to the dish!

Nutrition Notes:  Sweet Potatoes are considered one of the greatest vegetables to eat.  A medium sized "tater" contains more than the daily requirement of Vitamin A, approximately 1 / 3 of the daily recommendation of Vitamin C, 15% of the suggested daily fiber intake and 10% of the necessary daily potassium ingestion.  Sweet Potatoes are also a low glycemic food with anti inflammatory properties!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #24

Robert Frost once said, "The best way out is always through."  A wise statement, yes, but one that undoubtedly is easier said than done.  

When things go wrong, it is not always easy to gather the courage and strength to press on.  It can be much simpler to give up and lose faith.  If an individual remains positive and optimistic, however, the challenge can seem less painful and easier to tackle.  

When next faced with a problem or unpleasant issue, keep these 8 thoughts in mind.  This beautiful article looks into each thought in greater depth and provides comfort that the best way out is indeed through!

1.  Pain is part of growing
2.  Everything in life is temporary
3.  Worrying and complaining changes nothing
4.  Your scars are symbols of your strength
5.  Every little struggle is a step forward
6.  Other people's negativity is not your problem
7.  What's meant to be will eventually, Be
8.  The best thing you can do is to keep going

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #24

"Our bodies are smart.  If you do the same workout all the time, your muscles won't be challenged to get stronger and more toned."

This statement, made by Alison Sweeney (host of The Biggest Loser), in February's edition of Red Book, corresponds to the laws of Overcompensation and Overload, as well as the principle of variability. Having learned a great deal about these laws, as well as muscle growth and development via my Personal Training studies, I can attest to Alison's statement.  Using the same repetitions, characters, sets, frequencies and training loads will not result in improved performances!

A simple method to assess when your strength training regimen needs revamping is the 2 - for - 2 rule.  This rule, that compliments the laws of Overcompensation and Overload, states that if you can successfully complete 2+ reps in your last set in 2 consecutive workouts, than your load needs to be increased!   

On a similar note, based on the Principle of Variability, you should change up aspects of your training load in order to make progress.  Without variety, accommodation to stress will ultimately set in. 

Alison suggests "mixing things up" by incorporating weighted sticks into your workout routine.  Escrima, a Filipino inspired martial arts routine, is a great way to get a full body workout.  The perks of trying these 3 easy toning moves is that you will be left feeling stronger, leaner and more focused!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #23

Coke vs. Pepsi.  Dunkin vs. Starbucks.  Chobani vs. Dannon Oikos?!  Is it possible that the latest food debate has gone healthy?!

During this year's Super Bowl, both Chobani and Dannon Oikos will air commercials promoting their signature Greek Yogurts.  Chobani's ad will focus on a revolutionary campaign, where as Dannon will take a different approach.  In their 30 second spot, Dannon will comedically illustrate Oikos as the Greek word for House by teaming up former Full House co-stars, John Stamon, Dave Coulier and Bob Saget!

Whether you are drawn in by Chobani's campaign, or are still a Full House lover at heart, succoming to the message of eating more Greek yogurt will prove beneficial to your diet!  Incorporating this dairy treat into your routine will increase protein and calcium levels, keep the bacteria in your gut healthy and boost your immune system!  

**Just beware that not all greek yogurts are diet friendly.  Regardless of its manufacturer, some yogurts become more like "candy in a cup" rather than a nutritious nosh.  To avoid the "sugar blues", make it a point to choose a yogurt that has no more than 12 g of sugar per 6oz serving. **

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday What Not #23

I DO NOT believe that money buys happiness, but I do think that organized finances can put a smile on anyone's face!  Apparently the creators of feel this same way. is a website that helps individuals keep track of their bills, payments and personal finances.  The site offers ways to organize spending into categories and suggests steps to achieving financial goals.  In addition, like many webservices today, also offers a mobile application that is compatible with Iphones and Android devices. 

I was introduced to while traveling this week.  The website / app caught my attention in both Martha Stewart Living and Fitness Magazine as it was commended for its ability to help individuals "make good" on their money related resolutions!  

If you are looking for a way to "finesse" your finances, definitely check out today.  You might just find yourself a little happier because of your (organized) $$!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #23

One of the biggest diet myths that I have come across is that weight loss = food flavor loss.  Unfortunately that bad rap came from a plethora of individuals who ate bland, skinless chicken breasts in an attempt to shrink their waist sizes.  Dishes of that nature can be a bit unappealing since the gut busting "gusto" has been removed, however, that chicken, as well as other healthy staples, can be jazzed up with herbs, spices and seasonings! 

In February's edition of Fitness Magazine, Food Editor Rachel Hofstetter took it upon herself to bust out of her dinner rut with exotic, healthy dishes that proved super simple to super tasty.  Aside from noting swaps like chickpea flour for all purpose flour in homemade pizza dough and shredded cabbage for russet potatoes in potato pancakes, Hofstetter explained that there are healthy condiments that can beneficially boost blandness.  

If you want an easy way to kick up the flavor in your healthy dishes, pick up a jar of Tahini.  Tahini is a sesame seed paste, commonly used in hummus, that is rich in minerals such as phosphorus, lecithin, magnesium, potassium and iron.  It is also one of the best sources of calcium around!  

Here are some suggestions for using Tahini that will leave your food bold not bland:

1.  Drizzle Tahini over roasted broccoli and cauliflower as a side dish or midday snack
2.  Make a salad dressing with Tahini, Olive Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Fresh Turmeric
3.  Mix up an Avocado / Tahini Mash for a tasty breakfast, lunch or dinner
4.  Roll up these Cacao Balls as a sweet treat

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #23

While watching the news this weekend, it was brought to my attention that January 17th was a national holiday.  This "holiday" was not one that many were happy to celebrate, rather one that acted as a transition from good intentions to old habits.  

It is unknown as to when "Ditch your New Year's Resolutions" Day was created, but its distance from January 1st certainly does not provide adequate time for people to make good on their goals!  Although the 21 day habit formation timeframe has been determined a farce, quality time is needed to make a full transformation.

1.  The Honeymoon
2.  The Fight Through
3.  Second Nature

If you opted not to celebrate on the 17th, but are feeling unsure about the future of your resolutions, try following the model outlined above.  I am certain that you might just find the strength to continue on your journey to a terrific 2014!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #23

So far being a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador has been an amazing experience.  Not only have I been able to meet a ton of like minded women via social media channels, but I have also been able to get some incredible fitness / wellness pointers from each and everyone of them! 

One of the coolest tips that I came across last week was using a foam roller as a core strengthener.  Having purchased a foam roller for recovery purposes while training for my half marathon, I was thrilled to learn that it could be multi-purposeful!  

Thanks to my fellow Ambassador, Nikki of "Grab Your,"  I have been able to let my abs take on the foam roller, as opposed to my IT Band.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #22

One of the greatest ways to sabotage a diet is to constantly eat out!  Although swiping a credit card is much easier than pre-packing a midday meal, doing just that leaves people at risk of over indulging and under nourishing themselves!

In an attempt to make lunch packing as easy as it was back in the day when mom handled the task, Bento Boxes have become the latest trend.  Originally a Japanese version of a traditional brown bag, Bento Boxes included a fish or meat, rice and pickled vegetables.  The different lunch staples were stored in smaller covered containers within the box and commonly presented in animal or artistic shapes.  

Today Bento Boxes stay true to their roots in shape and organization style, but focus less on pretty presentations and more on portion control.  In addition, packing techniques attract picky eaters who prefer that their food groups remain separate and adventurous eaters who thrive on unique dining experiences!

For the finicky foodies and / or the daring diners interested in jumping on the Bento Bandwagon, here are some key tips for making the most out of your lunch:  

1. Balance the Bento Box with quality carbohydrates, fats and proteins
2.  Use left overs to speed up the preparation process of the Bento Box
 3.  Let the Bento Box inspire your meal choices - AND keep you mindful of portion control 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday What Not #22


A hard working, dedicated individual who spends 6+ hours in front of a computer screen.  This individual must have previous experience with dry eyes, blurry vision, fatigue and neck / shoulder cramping.  

If you fit this description, you are not an ideal candidate for a new job, rather you are at risk of becoming a victim of digital eye drain.  Digital eye drain currently impacts 70% of American adults who engage in prolonged staring (upwards of 6+ hours / day) at a computer screen.  Such time in front of the screen has been documented to cause the above stated symptoms to appear.

It is common for the sufferer to equate their symptoms with "work exhaustion" and fail to take additional precautionary measures.  In doing so, the sufferer's symptoms can only worsen and will ultimately lead to macular degeneration and cataracts.

In order to avoid eye endangerment, try to incorporate these activities into your daily routine:

1.  Blink every 10 seconds
2.  Position desktop screens at an arm's length distance
3.  Hold small screens slightly below eye level
4.  Look away from a screen for a short time every 20 minutes
5.  Walk away from your screen every hour
6.  Increase the default font size on your computer or personal device

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #22

I know that it is not quite an umbrella laced cocktail, but the smoothie that I recently created will definitely have you feeling great for "beach bum" season :)

My creative "juices"started flowing after I realized that I had about 1 cup of left over spinach leaves sitting in my refrigerator.  Although apprehensive about making my morning routine "green," I knew through my nutrition studies that spinach was an easy way to introduce a new color into smoothies.  So with my 1 cup of spinach came my "Spanana-berry" smoothie.  Here is what I added to my NutriBullet to make this delightful drink:

1 cup of spinach
1 frozen banana (cut into pieces)
1/3 cup of frozen blueberries
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1/2 cup unsweetened quinoa milk (or other dairy free alternative)

A Spanana-berry Smoothie would be a nutritious nosh to add to your recipe box, as would this "cold weather proof" smoothie blended by my incredibly talented cousin!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #22

In last week's edition of "Career Girl", a column dedicated to inspiring and educating professionals about the "real world," author Andrea Mullan interviewed Fitness Guru, Tanya Becker.  Tanya, along with her business partner, created Physique 57.  "Physique 57 is a ballet inspired workout that incorporates cardio, strength training, stretching and recovery.  It is largely credited with launching the barre fitness obsession!"

The article made it easy for readers to relate to Tanya's initial apprehensions and to celebrate her HUGE successes.  In addition, for fitness freaks like me, this edition of Career Girl, triggered my interest in Physique 57 (I purchased my copy of Tanya's book late last week).

Although discovering a new fitness outlet via this article was amazing, learning about Tanya's definition of failure was truly the best part of the documented interview.  Like all of us, Tanya has experienced a fair share of disappointments but she has never considered them negatives.  Instead she was quoted saying:  

"The fear of not trying and settling was greater than the insecurities of possible failure.  As Thomas Edison said, "I have never failed.  I just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

I hope that such a comment will inspire you to ALWAYS keep on trying!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #22

2013 was the year for running for the Murphy women.  Between my resolution to complete at least (3) 5k's and (1) half marathon and my mom's devotion to her local "couch to 5K" running group, we have pounded a great deal of pavement!

In order for us to keep up the pace in 2014, it would seem logical for us to keep training and keep running.  This plan, however, does not take into consideration our need to build muscular strength and endurance.  Such strength and endurance can be optimized by incorporating wall squats into our exercise programs.  Wall squats, or wall sits as they are sometimes referred to, are great ways for everyone (not just runners) to strengthen their quadriceps and loosen their hamstrings and calves.  More importantly, especially for those of us who want to register for the next local 5K, doing wall squats can help prevent a very common injury, runner's knee.

If you would like to "Up your Upper Leg Strength", check out this 5 week training plan that I created for my mom and me!  

((Please note that the training schedule suggests performing the wall squats 3x / week.  On the days that you are not "squatting", cardiovascular exercise along with other non - quad related strength training activities are recommended!))

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #21

According to the CDC, "the number of states reporting widespread seasonal flu activity jumped from 10 - 25 (during the week ending on December 28th, 2013)." This increase is not atypical considering flu season is in full swing during the months of January and February, but the rapid spread of the virus causes concern for those who are not currently suffering.

In an effort to safeguard yourself from becoming bed-bound, make sure that these 5 foods are in your pantry and that your home has been flu-proofed!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday What Not #21

Since moving in with my husband 3.5 years ago, I have struggled to prepare meals that would satisfy his sweet tooth / fast food loving pallet while honoring my need for nutritional noshes.  During my adventures in the kitchen, however, I realized that simple "healthy" swaps could keep his favorite recipes looking and tasting just the way he likes - a "win - win" for both of us!

Whether you are faced with a similar dilemma, or just want to "up the nutritional ante" of your favorite meals, check out these swaps posted by my favorite Laguna Lady, Lauren Conrad.  In her article, Lauren pairs 10 everyday pantry staples with a healthy alternative.  She also explains how the switches can be seamlessly built into your baking and cooking repertoire.   

One of my favorite pairs was Date Sugar and Splenda.  Having written about the harmful effects of aspartame, I have attempted to remove most sugars (especially sugar substitutes) from my diet.  Making my own Date Sugar would allow for me to satisfy a sweet craving, ingest an essential amino acid (tryptophan) and not harm my body!  Another "win - win" for me!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #21

I'm not sure if it was the constant advertisements for Rachel Ray's new show - Three In The Bag - or my resolution to be more "resourcefully healthy" in 2014, but this weekend I was inspired to do something a little out of the ordinary!  That "little something" was to create a recipe - without the help of Pinterest or Food Network - from the leftovers of my Saturday Night Dinner!  

On Saturday afternoon, after hemming and hawing about going out to eat despite the frigid temperature, my husband and I decided to make our "Saturday Night Out" a "Saturday Night In."  Already feeling the effects of the arctic air that blanketed Hoboken, we both agreed that a "comfort meal" would best compliment our decision to lay low.  From that decision, sparked my interest in this Slow Cooker Dish.

Despite our wants to lick the slow cooker clean, we packaged up the left over pork for what would be the key player in my original recipe for our Sunday Night Dinner!  

On Sunday, I brought the left over pork to room temperature, cooked a small portion of couscous (whose remnants I plan to pair with my veggie salad on Wednesday) and began to stuff 6 pre-cleaned / de-stemmed large kale leaves.  I placed the bulging greens into an oven safe baking dish that had been drizzled with the leftover tomato sauce from Saturday's dinner.  Once gathered all together, I topped the leaves with a little more of the tomato sauce, which added moisture for "braising" purposes.  

My creation went into a 375 degree oven for 40 minutes.  When the timer buzzed at minute 40, I removed the baking dish and generously topped the leaves with a part skim shredded mozzarella / shredded Parmesan cheese mixture.  I returned the dish to the oven for an additional 5 minutes - which gave the cheeses enough time to melt!

Before I plated the meal, I topped the leaves with fresh basil - which was the perfect bit of freshness for this fine feast!

((If you too were inspired, please feel free to email me for more information about this recipe!))

Monday, January 6, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #21

If you find yourself six days into the New Year having not made any resolutions or set any goals, Do Not Stress! Today is just as good as any to make a 1 year bucket list!

Using the template shown above, you will be able to focus your efforts and attention on making the next 360 days nothing short of amazing!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #21

One of my 2013 New Years Resolutions was to utilize the health coaching certification that I received in September from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.  With a plethora of options, I was slightly overwhelmed as to where to start, but found comfort in creating this blog!  I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to reach out to a large audience via social media and sharing my passion for all things wellness!

In addition to connecting with like-minded individuals through "Wellness Wheels,"  I also applied for an ambassador position with Girls Gone Sporty.  Girls Gone Sporty is an online magazine designed to help the sporty woman live the sporty life.  The articles published there cover issues from fashion to fitness and beauty to balanced diets.  As an ambassador, I would be able to expand my knowledge base, interact with other fitness fanatics and also publish written pieces on their website!

Since receiving word on Wednesday that I was accepted as a 2014 ambassador, I have been on cloud 9!  I still cannot believe how great of an opportunity that I have been presented with!  

Among many, one of the greatest articles that I have read so far was one published by the CEO and Founder of Girls Gone Sporty, Laura Williams.  In her tutorial-based piece, Laura outlined 10 10 minute workouts that can be done in the comfort of your own home.  

Such a sweat session will be perfect for today considering the snow may have most of us trapped indoors! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #20

As you "re-enter" the Real World, after an extended holiday recess, you might notice a change in your office break room.  Under a new labeling regulation brought upon by President Obama's health care act, calorie information will be required to be displayed on items offered in vending machines across the United States.  Such an initiative is intended to promote healthier eating habits, reduce obesity rates and increase health care savings.

Despite the optimistic outlook, it does not seem realistic to claim that vending machines will transform from staples for ravenous bingers to safe havens for figure friendly feasters.  According to the general public, noting calories will not impact an impulse buy at a vending machine.  It has also been documented that if a person is overly concerned about the nutritional value of their snacks, he / she could read the information on the candy bar's label upon purchasing the sweet; making the new display requirement null and void.

As an advocate for healthy eating, I am not opposed to the new regulation, but I do understand that it might be a stretch to claim that displaying calories will greatly impact the obesity epidemic in the United States. 

What I do support is the possibility of the "peer pressure effect" resulting from the changes to the traditional vending machines. Such an effect links itself to better purchasing decision among individuals who are told that their co-workers / peers are making low calorie choices.  Those individuals are much more likely to make the same choices themselves! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Wednesday What Not #20

"Let's toast to an amazing New Year,
Full of so many possibilities!
May this new year be the Best one yet...
Filled with Love and Laughter and Life's most 
beautiful memories!"

Many Blessings - Happy 2014!