Friday, August 29, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #53

As we transition into "late summer" (I refuse to acknowledge the onset of Fall), it may no longer be feasible to spend hours sitting near the water just relaxing.  Rather than forgetting about those warm weather pastimes, why not "dive into" this yoga routine.  

"Fish" pose (Matsyasana) targets the belly, chest, spine, shoulders and neck.  When performed it has been proven to improve posture, constipation, respiratory ailments, mild backache, fatigue, anxiety and menstrual pain.  

It might even ease the "pain" you feel because of the change in seasons ;)

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #52

The other morning I came across a very interesting blurb about gut bacteria.  In the write up, I learned that recent studies have shown that "the bacteria living within us may affect the foods we crave as well as our moods."  In addition, the bold bacteria may also "compel us to eat foods that they live best on." Such findings have led dietary theorists to ask "Are we to blame for our sugar snack attacks or is the culprit our Microbiome?"

Rather than letting that bacteria be the boss, try introducing better bacteria to your gut.  That can be done with the help of probiotics.  Probiotics are microorganisms introduced into the body for their beneficial qualities.  They can be derived from sources like yogurt, kefir, pickles and sauerkraut.  In addition to promoting intestinal health, probiotics have also been linked to acne relief, urinary wellness, allergy support and weight loss.

Go with your GUT on this one - and learn more about Probiotics!

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday What Not #52

The other day I received an email from my best friend regarding her uncertainty about an upcoming visit.  In the email she wrote, "I know that we are both planners, but can I confirm my attendance late next week?"  Of course I would never give my BFF trouble (to be honest I would bend over backwards just to see her), but a part of me cringed over the "unknown."

My distress over details and my preference to plan is a well known characteristic of mine, but is it a personality flaw?  According to a recent study, plans do not mean much if they are stalling progress and impairing movement toward an actual action.  In other words, procrastination and over planning are one in the same!

If like me your agenda rules your life, check out these steps to learn how to schedule successfully!

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #52

Having jumped on the juicing bandwagon, I understand the benefits of sipping vegetables and support those who include these drinks in their diets.  I have found, however, that despite the inclusion of healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber, some juices tend to lack the good fats that would keep its sipper satisfied.  

Rather than trashing my Nutribullet, I sought to find a recipe that would not leave me "drink deprived".  My search lead me to this recipe that not only includes fruits and vegetables, but also Omega-3 rich walnuts!

((Photo Source:

Monday, August 25, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #52

Last year after completing my Health Coaching studies at IIN, I decided to start this blog.  For 52 weeks, I have published posts about wellness, in hopes to share my knowledge and overall passion with my friends, family and other interested individuals.  

Today, I'm happy to not only celebrate 1 year of posts, but also the continued enthusiasm that I receive from you, my devout readers!  
I would like to CHEERS you for making my daily routine both fun and fulfilling!

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #52

During one of my fitness binges, I purchased a set of resistance bands.  Thinking that I would use them as part of my weight training regimen, I sought to find exercises that would better my entire body!  Initially I had a difficult time pinpointing more than just the basic moves, but I recently found this workout that made my purchase worthwhile.  

The routine targets multiple muscle groups and works those muscles in ways slightly different than standard free weights.  Another perk is that the resistance levels are adjustable!  That can be done simply by giving more or less slack on the band or by combining multiple bands to increase the challenge! 

Such versatility makes this piece of equipment "DYNA"-Mite!

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #51

I have a confession.  I am a Nut Butter Addict!  Whether I am adding it to my morning smoothies or making my own from scratch, I cannot seem to get enough!  

My obsession, however, has left me unnerved since 45 production lots of peanut and almond butters have been recalled due to a salmonella risk.  The affected brands included Arrowhead Mills, Mara Natha and private labels from Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Krogers and Safeway.  

Since the bacteria that contaminated the nuts and seeds probably stemmed from improper manure aging in the fields where the plants grew, homemade nut butters are also impacted.  In order to safeguard against infection when DIY-ing, make sure to follow these suggestions:

1.  Buy the freshest nuts and seeds available - Raw, organic nuts that have undergone steam-heat treatments are ideal.

2.  Once purchased, keep the nuts and seeds in the refrigerator and use them quickly!

With the help of these suggestions, we can all remain NUTS over our Nut Butters :)

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday What Not #51

As August comes to a close and Staples releases it's back to school commercials, I cannot help but remember my days as a student.  I used to love shopping for new sneakers and packing up a brand new backpack full of trapper keepers and sharpened pencils.  

Not having stepped foot into a classroom in over 6 years, I haven't experienced that "education euphoria" in a while.  This year, however, I decided to do the "shopping cart" and get Back to "School" ready! 

With the guidance of the steps listed below, I am certain that I will have an A+ Year ;)

The NON- STUDENT's Back to School Checklist:

1.  Designate a work space for yourself (If that space already exists, clear the area completely)
2.  Arrange items to suit your workflow - keep important pieces at eye level
3.  Prioritize the top drawer
4.  Purge the remaining drawers - keep ONLY necessary documents
5.  Purchase organizing accessories

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #51

Having studied under Joshua Rosenthal, the founder of IIN and the source of the above quote, I know the importance of "in season" eating.  With my knowledge, I have revamped my entire recipe repertoire and even created a Superb Summer Salad!

Superb Summer Salad

2 cups Mixed Greens
1/4 cup Organic Chopped Walnuts
1/8 cup Fresh Goat Cheese - Crumbled
1 Peach - Peeled and Chopped


3 Tbsp Organic Balsamic Vinegar
3 Tbsp Organic Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Locally Sourced Honey

Friday, August 15, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #51

A product of northern NJ, I regularly operate at 100 mph.  At such speeds, I have a difficult time slowing down and rarely feel relaxed.  Such is why I never took part in a zen inspired yoga class where I would need to SLOWLY flow from one pose to the next while focusing on ONLY ONE intention. 
Talk about shoving a square peg into a round hole ;)

Having recently moved to an area where operating at a slower pace is the norm, I decided to try an exercise class that would aid in a suppressed speed.  Rather than immediately downward dogging into a true yoga class, I signed up for Yoga Barre at Barre + Soul.  For 60 minutes, rather than just SLOWLY flowing from one pose to the next, my classmates and I used light weights and barre fitness "accessories" to tighten and tone our muscles.  That blend of Barre and Yoga allowed me to successfully complete the class and leave feeling a tinsy bit more zen!

If you are like me and have had trouble "loving" yoga, try signing up for a Yoga Fusion class in your area.  If that is not an option, check out these poses that you can do at home with a set of light weights!

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #50

A few weeks ago, my mom and I ran a 5k in Stone Harbor, NJ to raise awareness for Childhood Obesity.  As a wellness advocate and a fitness professional, I am very familiar with this "epidemic," but feel strongly that most Americans do not fully understand the consequences of unhealthy eating. 

Knowing that my "strides" could only make a small difference, I was thrilled to see that this video had gone viral!  It's powerful montage of key moments in a heart attack sufferer's life personifies the poor choices that impact overall wellness.  

With its continued "likes" on Facebook and "shares" on social media, it is my hope that Americans will think twice before noshing on an XL bag of French Fries or slurping down a 16+ oz cup of soda.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday What Not #50

As a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador, I have been blessed to be part of a family that is full of amazing women who share my passion for health and wellbeing!  In addition, as an ambassador, I have been offered many unique opportunities to test out fitness inspired products.  Having had fun testing out a Borelli Scarf back in March, I immediately accepted a different opportunity yesterday from Maik Wiedenbach.  

Wiedenbach is an Olympic Swimmer turned celebrity trainer who recently released an eBook.  In his publication, Wiedenbach reveals the "truth about popular fitness fads and false information that has misguided athletes from getting visible and lasting results from their workouts and diets."  Unlike many other sources that claim to be "THE" book to own for weight loss, "101 Fitness Myths" provides readers with scientific knowledge and proper skills that are necessary to successfully achieve goals!  

Having just purchased my own copy, I haven't been able to stop reading.  Not only has the material helped supplement my personal training certification, but it has also helped me to tweak my own daily workout routine!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #50

It does not happen often, but every once and a while I crave a juicy, cheesy hamburger!  The only problem with that type of craving - aside from high cholesterol - is that pre-made burgers are packaged in fours, not twos.  Since my dining decision was only going to impact my husband and I, we were ultimately left with two perfect patties.

Rather than grilling on back to back nights, I sought to find a healthy alternative for our leftovers.  I was thrilled when I discovered that Eating Well had made over a childhood favorite in their recipe for "Hamburger  Buddy." The addition of vegetables, as well as low sodium broth and reduced fat sour cream, made this "Round 2" Recipe relatively healthy and definitely crave worthy ;)

((Photo Source:

Monday, August 11, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #50

A day at the beach typically includes relaxing in a lounge chair, catching some rays and dipping in the ocean.  For me, however, a swim in the sea is never on my beach day "to do" list.  

Although not outwardly stated, I believe that it was that aversion to cold water that prompted my Aunt to humorously nominate me for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  Initially apprehensive (and chilled to the bone just thinking about the task at hand), I accepted the "nomination" this weekend.  

With some prep and the help of my "producer" husband, I not only completed the challenge, but I also stepped outside of my comfort zone.  Having survived the frigid temps (while supporting an incredible cause), I now feel inspired to take on new challenges that I normally would have shied away from!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #50

One of my favorite things about visiting a Whole Foods store is being able to pick up the latest edition of Natural Awakenings.  Natural Awakenings is a local, healthy living publication that prides itself on its "feel good, live simple, laugh more" content.

In this month's magazine,  Nutritionist Alesha Lazan answered a question that most exercise enthusiasts would consider counterintuitive; of course we workout to burn fat and build muscle. Lazan, however, revealed that such is not the case when focusing on aerobic activity.  Aerobic activities (aka exercises that keeps your heart rate at a constant) do not build muscle, burn fat or raise BMRs.  Their counterparts, however do promote muscles gain, fat loss and increased BMRs.

You can incorporate anaerobic activities into your fitness routine simply by doing something that forces you to become out of breath and to fatigue your muscles.  Such exercises include sprints, push ups, squats, box jumps and pull ups.  

As with any exercise, safety is incredibly important so make sure to monitor your heart rate and stay within your anaerobic threshold when doing the suggested moves!

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #49

I can remember becoming enraged when my Dad told me that I could not go to NYC to meet my friends, but my younger brother could.  Despite understanding his concern and his overwhelming effort to protect his little girl, I hated that I was a victim of a double standard.  

Since then, I have become an advocate for women empowerment and a sucker for all stories that center around "Girl Go-Getters."  Such was the case when I found out that Becky Hammon was named Assistant Coach of the San Antonio Spurs.  In accepting the offer, Hammon became the first women to hold such a position in a major professional sports realm.   

Despite the historic double standard, Hammon is determined to face this new challenge and have little girls say "Hey look!  People can do whatever they put their mind to."

((Photo Source:

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wednesday What Not #49

One of the tasks at my previous job was to stay abreast of issues trending in the internship world.  In order to do that, I regularly scanned LinkedIn and read articles posted within my groups.  Having left that role because of relocation reasons, LinkedIn became less of an information source and more of a job searching tool.   

Since old habits die hard, I was not shocked when I gravitated toward this article posted about successful people and their abilities to stay calm on LinkedIn yesterday.  In the article, Dr. Travis Bradberry detailed 10 of the most effective strategies that top performing individuals have used when faced with stress.  Employing those strategies have helped them improve their memories and remain alert, while decreasing their risks of heart disease, depression and obesity.

Although some of the strategies may seem obvious, the real challenge will lie in your ability to  "recognize when you need to use (the strategies) and have the wherewithal to actually do so in spite of your stress."  

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #49

Re-entry into the real world after vacation is rough for many reasons!  For starters, it is no longer acceptable to spend 8 hours in a beach chair with your toes in the sand.  It is also no longer ideal to feast on cheese and crackers and creamy homemade ice cream!

In an effort to ease my transition, I decided to "whip" up a smart snack that would hold me over until next year's trip to Avalon, NJ!  

Choc 'O' Whipped Pie

Combine suggested ingredients for the pie crust and bake for 10 minutes at 400 degrees.
While pie crust is cooling, mix together the suggested ingredients for the whipped filling.  
Once the pie crust has cooled, fill it with the whipped filling.
Decorate the top of the pie with the Chocolate Cheerios (Optional).
Freeze for 2 - 3 hours before enjoying!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #49

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