Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tasty Tuesday Treat #65

Having gotten my fair share of Vitamin D between BBQ's and Bike Rides this weekend, I wanted to make sure that I did not let my Vitamin C intake fall to the wayside.  Although predominantly supplemented during the winter, Vitamin C is an integral part of body functionality.  When taken in appropriate doses, this vitamin can help cure skin problems, help heal wounds, protect against the ill effects of stress and improve blood flow.

Rather than taking a supplement, red and green peppers, grapefruits, brussels sprouts and of course oranges can help amp up Vitamin C levels.  Knowing these sources, "Orange" you glad that that you can enjoy the homemade sweets shown above ;)*

*A serving of my Orange Sugar Cookies will not provide the daily recommendation of 75 - 90 mg of Vitamin C

Monday, May 18, 2015

Mindful Monday Inspiration #65

((Photo Source:  http://www.fusionfitness.com/instructors-share-their-fave-recipes/))

Friday, May 15, 2015

Fitness Friday Fact #65

If there is an equivalent of Spring Fever for Summer, I certainly have come down with the "bug."  Ever since the weather turned warm, my mind has been focused on all things beach.  From relaxing in the sand to cooling off in the ocean, I have mentally plopped down in my beach chair for the season!

To compliment my daydream, I decided to share a summer inspired exercise:  The Crab Walk.  When performed correctly with an engaged core and squeezed glutes, this once gym class activity can become a full body workout! 

((Photo Source:  http://www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/25-most-deceiving-exercises-they-tone-more-you-think/slide/23))

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #64

Cutely deemed "Takeout Thursday", I get to sit back and relax each Friday Eve as my husband and I order in dinner.  Typically a call is placed to a local Sushi Restaurant, but last week we decided to SPICE things up (literally and figuratively) by visiting Chipotle.  

In retrospect, such a decision was probably not based on a cilantro craving, but rather on a subconscious move made because of the plethora of news reports surrounding the restaurant chain. For the past couple of weeks, Chipotle has headlined because of their plan to ban genetically modified ingredients from their menu.  As with all controversial issues, there are supporters, "haters" and those that impartially will continue to enjoy their burritos ;)

Those that support the ban favor simple and natural ingredients when preparing / eating food.  Since genetic modification alters the genetic makeup of cells and allows genes to move across species, new combinations of genes and traits occur that would not naturally do so without GE (genetic engineering.)  In addition, these individuals are weary that GMO's might cause cancer in humans as it had in the rats that were lab tested.  On the other hand, there are individuals who feel as though Chipotle's ban is unwarranted.  This is because there is no solid, current data that supports the long term safety of GMO's and because the rat report may not have been as groundbreaking as initially proclaimed!

As an advocate for clean eating, as well as a lover of simple, natural ingredients, I have to raise my glass and cheers Chipotle for their decision to ban GMO's from their menu.  As a realist, though, I know that this controversial issue is not limited to Chipotle and that additional research must be done to fully understand the pervasiveness (and possible severity) of GMO's.

In the meantime, however, I look forward to more Thursday's at Chipotle!

((Photo Source:  http://nfccertification.com/extra-view/gmo-guard/))