Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #61

"The holidays are supposed to be a time of comfort and joy, but 90% of Americans report stressing over at least one aspect of the merry season."  Having traveled more than 150 miles in 24 hours, I can completely understand the root of the negative emotions that Americans feel.  For me, however, this year's stress dissipated the moment I was surrounded by family and friends; taking part in traditions that have been in place for many years.

Since there have been some wonderful changes for my family (i.e. a fantastic fiance for my brother and a beautiful new home for me and my husband), I decided to create a new tradition this Christmas that allowed my "inner-hostess" to shine!  From small bites to a make ahead meat pie, my parents, husband and I finished celebrating this Christmas together in my new home; an event (and hopefully a new tradition) that became the "most wonderful time of (my) year!"

Monday, December 22, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #61

As Christmas week commences, remember that no matter the distance, you can always be "Home for the Holidays!"

((Photo Source:  http://blog.design-seeds.com/))

Friday, December 19, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #61

On my designated Strength Training Days, I like to channel my inner ballerina at a Barre class.  My favorite are Barre Boot Camps, which are offered 2x a week at my local studio.   From squats to saches, these classes has not only helped to fill a void left empty after quitting dance, but they have also helped compliment my cardio exercise regimen.  

Like most sessions, this week my instructor brought a new piece of equipment for my classmates and me to try.  The gliding discs seemed like a painless addition to our workout, but after crawling, planking and tenduing, pain had ensued.  The pain was a "good" pain, however,  that was brought on by the utilization of muscle groups not commonly used in such exercises.  

If you are looking to slide your way into shape, check out these modifications to typical exercises using the gliding discs.

((Photo Source:  http://www.youbeauty.com/body-fitness/galleries/exercises-to-target-lower-abs#1))

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #60

While perusing Pinterest the other morning, I stumbled upon the quote show above.  I'm not sure if it was the geometry reference or the inspiration to live a full life that attracted me most, but I have not been able to stop thinking about Diane Ackerman's statement ever since!  

As if I did not have enough to reflect on, a recent segment on CNN made me think more deeply about a long, full, healthy life!  According to the news report, adherence to a Mediterranean Diet "may be the key to living longer" because of a correlation between the diet and the length of telomeres*.  As it turns out, individuals who ate meals rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, peas, unrefined grains, olive oil and fish, were able to prevent accelerated telomere shortening; aka live a longer life!

Even though the study clearly points out that lives have lengthening tendencies because of the Mediterranean Diet, the width of life is also impacted by mindful munching.  Instituting the Mediterranean Diet into daily routine reduces the likelihood of developing chronic diseases, which in turn allows individuals to participate in activities that enhance the fullness of life!

With 2015 on the horizon, resolve to live a "longer and wider" life by testing out these robust recipes!

*Telomeres are part of your chromosomes.  They are associated with aging, lower life expectancy, age related diseases, cancers and liver disease.

((Photo Source:  http://aliedwards.com/2011/01/daily-work-at-home-rhythm-things-i-have-learned#more-8975))

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday What Not #60

A conversation that my husband and I seem to regularly have revolves around technology and future generations.  We joke about our kids finding it odd that we met and dated "in person" and snicker that script penmanship will soon be passe`.  

One activity that I hope does not become a thing of the past is Holiday Card sending.  Despite the ease of eCards, handwritten greetings have more meaning, more personal investment (both monetarily and emotionally) and more permanence in the receivers' lives.  More importantly, tangible Cards have the power to heighten the spirits of both the senders and the receivers!

If you are currently deciding how to spread holiday cheer this year, read this blog post about a special salutation that changed two people's Christmas season!