Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #15

"For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends."

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday What Not #15

Traveling for work definitely has its perks; exploring new cities, meeting new people and experiencing "local" favorites.  Along with those amazing positives comes 1 major negative though:  not being able to prepare my own meals!

Having had my fair share of Panera Bread's Soups and Chipotle's Burrito Bowls, I am in desperate need of expanding my travel palate.  Unfortunately in doing so I have found myself back at square 1, staring at menu boards to find the "healthiest" options provided.  

That confusion at the counter will soon be replaced with pleasing purchases, however because of a great new website that I have been introduced to.  That website is, which allows health conscious viewers to see menu information for over 35,000 restaurants and compare their nutritional values by item and/or category.  Viewers can even track nutritional changes over time!

Using the comparative feature on the site will definitely make next week's "Working lunch" more fresh and fun!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #15

After publishing my Superfood Post, I was inspired to find new and exciting recipes that showcased some of the nutrient rich staples that I wrote about.  From quinoa stuffed peppers to Spirulina salad dressings, I found myself feeling like a kid in a candy store!  My euphoric state was quickly replaced however, when I remembered that I would be cooking these dishes for my "double bacon cheeseburger loving" husband ;).  

Since my husband would rather dine on a succulent steak than a satisfying superfood, I needed to tread lightly around my nutrient rich meal choice.  Having been a fan of Hungry Girl for years and taking note of her ability to disguise "good food" as "bad," I figured I would check out her take on Kale**.  Sure enough, a revamped recipe that swapped a full fat creamed spinach dish for a lighter "creamed" Kale side had been published.  

With only a few simple ingredient and an easy preparation schedule, I whipped up the Kale recipe as a companion to my pumpkin seed crusted baked tilapia.  Let's just say my husband wasn't missing his McDonald's take out that night!  

**Kale is a very popular super food as a serving has more vitamin C than an orange, more calcium than milk and 133% of a person's vitamin A requirement.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #15

In her welcome letter for the November / December issue of Natural Health, Editor in chief, Peg Moline, questioned her readers about what makes them happy.  She felt that the question was very fitting for the upcoming holiday season and found it even more appropriate that her answer to the question was:  "Feeling grateful makes me happy."

Although a fantastic response, the correlation between gratitude and glee is not a new revelation.  In his intensive, 8 year study, Dr. Robert Emmons of the University of California (Davis) found that "people who were in the gratitude condition felt fully 25% happier, more optimistic and confident.  They even exercised an additional 1.5 hours a week!" 

With a day of thanks quickly approaching, why not encourage each family member to report one thing that they are grateful for.   Challenge each person to find hidden opportunities or silver linings in each situation! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #15

After the last crumb of pumpkin pie has been eaten, all thoughts turn from stuffing to sales!  
The day after Thanksgiving, commonly referred to as Black Friday, is a day where shoppers rejoice in deal hunting and gift purchasing.  Most of the time the adventures begin in the wee hours of the morning and last late into the evening.  Such a timeline leaves little room for "working off" that additional helping of mashed potatoes that was enjoyed the night before!

Since not partaking in the shopping extravaganza is out of the question, why not burn while you bargain by following this exercise routine published via the University of South Dakota.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #14

Praised for their potent, super concentrated, nutrient rich capacities, Superfoods have been on the radar of most nutritionists for years and most recently have become THE "hot topic" for news reports.

No, they are not able to combat threats against humanity by supervillains, but Superfoods certainly possess extraordinary / superhuman powers!  Their strengths include lowering cholesterol, strengthening bones, combating heart disease, stabilizing blood sugar, reducing obesity and lessening the risk of cancer!  

Having studied the benefits of superfoods while completing my coursework at IIN, I began to introduce the fabulous fare into my diet.  I was shocked at how easy it was to incorporate superfoods without disrupting my diet.  One of my first (and favorite) attempts was with Chia seeds.  I have added this superfood to my smoothies, my baked breads and my oatmeal.

If you are interested in "defeating disease and running the risk of cancer out of town", check out these super foods and their compatible recipes

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday What Not #14

The holiday season is synonymous for heightened stress levels!  
Between organizing travel plans, purchasing perfect gifts and baking tasty treats, there is hardly ever time for relaxation.  What some people don't know though is that there are ways to limit anxiety and still complete everything on the holiday to-do list!

That thing that I am referring to is crafting.  According to Dr. Robert Reiner of NYU, "the act of performing a craft is incompatible with worry, anger, obsession and anxiety.  Crafts make you concentrate and focus on the here and now and distract you from everyday pressures and problems." *
Whether the craft is knitting, painting, coloring or collaging, the relaxation response is automatically induced because an action is repeated!

By plopping yourself down at your craft table over the next few weeks and putting together one of these DIY Christmas Gifts, you might just find that you feel less stressed and have less gifts to shop for!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #14

Despite the fact that I rarely break out my cupcake tins or cake pans, I do like baking.  I especially love quick and simple recipes that are not loaded with sugar, but can be disguised as such for my sweet toothed husband!

In an effort to come up with a crowd pleaser for this year's Thanksgiving, I stumbled upon a recipe for Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse!  Not only is it simple, but it is also a concoction that can be made in advance and will travel well - 2 very important MUSTS on my baking "wish list" this year!

If you have been deemed the the dessert diva for your Thanksgiving festivities, definitely check out this recipe to "wow" your family and friends!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #14

In her first compilation of literary pieces, author Brianna Wiest writes about her challenges and accomplishments in finding truths of life as they pertain to the greater universe.  Her words act as a comfort blanket, as well as a stepping stone for individuals looking to be more satisfied with who they are and to better appreciate the joys within their own life.  

Having not yet read her book cover to cover, I was happy to get a sneakpeak of some of her "truths" by reading an article written by Wiest herself.  The article, entitled "18 Things That Everyone Should Start Making Time For Again", bullets simple tasks, events and thoughts that most people have let slip away.

In checking out the article, it is my hope that you will be able to "re-institute" these simplicities back into your everyday routine! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #14

Get on it - the stability ball, that is!

These exercise tools are not just ideal for sculpting abs of steel, they are also key in toning muscles throughout the entire body while helping to improve flexibility, balance, posture and coordination.  In addition, exercises performed on a stability ball, as compared to their performance in a more standard manner, can shock a person's body into burning more calories and increase his / her cardio and muscular endurance!

Do you think that you want to get "rolling" now that you have heard these amazing benefits?!  If so, check out the varieties of stability balls available at and get toning!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #13

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you have most likely been inundated with news stories and reports about trans fats.  These reports have generated because of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's decision to ban this fatty acid in food production.  

Although there has been a decline in the use of trans fats over the past 10 years, there are still some traces hiding on the grocery store shelves.  These remaining "devils" have a large negative impact on the wellbeing of the American public and could be to blame for 20,000 future heart attacks and 7,000 future deaths per year if not removed! *

It may seem asinine that a fatty acid could be so powerful, but small doses of trans fats raise LDL levels (bad cholesterol) and lower HDL levels (good cholesterol).  This leads to plaque buildup in arteries, which in turn increases heart disease / heart attack risks. **

While the FDA moves forward with their fade out, make sure to continue to read every label that makes its way from the shelves to your grocery bags.  Also be weary of these popular products that have traces of trans fats within! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday What Not #13

Despite the safeguards that we have placed in our lives to avoid stressful and worrisome situations, it is a challenge to be calm, cool and collected all of the time.  Small bouts of anxiety are perfectly normal, but when your nervousness levels rise - and stay there for a long period of time - your body takes a major blow!

The enemy in that situation is cortisol.  Cortisol is a hormone in the body that is secreted by the adrenal glands in stressful situations.  Small doses of cortisol can have positive effects, however, in large quantities, cortisol impairs cognitive performance, suppresses thyroid function, decreases muscle tissue, heightens blood pressure, lowers immunity and increases abdominal fat, just to name a few.

In order to keep your body in balance, it is imperative to relax when anxiety sets in.  Even more beneficial is to remain confident in any or all situations that normally would make you nervous!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #13

As my profile states, I am a self proclaimed foodie!  I absolutely love tasting new dishes, experimenting with different recipes and experiencing new spins on old favorites!

The latest "spin" that I found was on a Thai Take Out Favorite, Pad Thai! This new recipe has been described as having "just the right amount of spice, sweet and comfort - the perfect fall meal."  It also incorporates a very interesting ingredient, granny smith apples.

If your taste buds are as adventurous as mine, take a peek at this "Wellness Today" contest winner's recipe for Chicken and Apple Pad Thai 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #13

Inspiration can come in various shapes and sizes.  Apparently it can also come in the form of a virtual image or internet clip!

According to a study conducted by George Washington University, "simply watching a weekly short video of an avatar engaging in healthy behaviors, like working out or eating healthy, helped women shed an average of 3.5 lbs in a month."

Do you feel like you need that extra "push" to get you on the right track?!
If so, open up your laptop or snatch your Iphone and check out these fitness videos

Friday, November 8, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #13

As a SPIN enthusiast, I love jumping on my bike and tackling a 45 minute cardio-intensive workout. What I don't love, however, is the negative impact that my prolonged (and sometimes incredibly repetitive) SPIN schedule has on my muscles.  

Individuals who take part in limited range of motion activities, like cycling, can begin to notice a shortening of their muscles.  This is especially true of a spinner's hip flexors since that area contracts repeatedly during a SPIN routine!  If that individual does not care for their shortened muscles, injury is inevitable!

The best way to keep muscles healthy is to focus on flexibility.  Rather than performing short, intense bouts of stretching, which can have inhibiting effects, a person should aim for longer / frequent stretches where less tension is used.  Such stretches should be held for at least 20 seconds to overcome a stretch reflex and an entire stretching regimen should conclude after 20 minutes.  That time frame allows for 3 minutes of focused stretching for each muscle group. 

If you need new suggestions on lengthening and becoming more limber, check out this stretching guide!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #12

One of the greatest things about venturing into a local market is the endless choices that fill the shelves.  With that amazing positive, however, comes a very stressful negative - What is the BEST choice?!  Having been bombarded with studies, facts and statistics about oils and fats, most Americans are left wondering if their EVOO is helping or harming their overall well being. 

In an effort clear up some confusion in the oil aisle, it is best to be able to differentiate between the good, the bad and the ugly!  It is also beneficial to keep in mind the intent of the oil being purchased. (Will it be used for cooking, dipping, etc?)  

Oils that have a high saturated fatty acid content are best to use when cooking.  This is because these oils pack together tightly and can withstand extreme heat and light.  A terrific example of an oil with a high saturated fatty acid content is coconut oil.

Oils that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, on the other hand, should NEVER be used when cooking.  This is because these oils are unstable when heated and produce harmful free radicals.  An example of an oil with a high polyunsaturated fatty acid content is sesame oil.  

One other very important thing to consider when purchasing oil is determining the trans-fat content.  Hydrogenated vegetable and seed oils should always be avoided as they contain high levels of trans fatty acids!

To read more about these cooking oils, check out this article published by a fellow IIN graduate!

To learn more about other oils and their cooking and non-cooking health benefits, check out this link!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday What Not #12

Productivity is defined as the act of achieving favorable or useful results.  In other words, it is striving to be as constructive as possible, but is that always feasible?!  

In the busy worlds that we all live in, simply getting things done tends to overshadow productivity.  By instituting the 6 tasks outlined in this article into your life, you will be able to save time, streamline your routine and work better.  

That sounds pretty "constructive" to me ;)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tasty Tuesday Treat #12

Having gone from a beautiful 70 degree weekend to a "frost advisory" Monday, I have been on the hunt for all things warm! Despite my countless efforts to bundle up and sip warm beverages, I still have felt a chill in my bones.

One thing that did come close to warming me up was the Autumn Squash Soup at Panera Bread.  What an amazing lunch treat :)  

Wanting to replicate the deliciousness, as well as the feeling of comfort and warmth, I sought out to find an easy homemade recipe for this soup.  What I found was a gluten free, paleo diet friendly concoction that was practically identical to my soup at Panera.

It is my hope that you will be able to sip, slurp and savor this satisfying soup and stay warm as the pre-winter freeze sets in.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mindful Monday Inspiration #12

What is happiness?  Is it having lots of money?  Is it marrying well?  Is it landing an executive role at a big corporation?

Due to society's skewed version of joyfulness, which highlights each of the above situations, many people have had a difficult time achieving happiness.  Unfortunately, this is more prevalent in women, as seen in a recent Harvard Study.  The findings illustrated that since 2009, womens' happiness levels have been on a downward spiral.

In an attempt to bring awareness to this "somber" data, Paula Davis-Laack took it upon herself to teach women how to raise the bar on happiness and how to instill this in young adult girls.  As a veteran lawyer turned happiness advocate, she outlined 8 suggestions that have proven to help young women "take control of their happiness, resilience and health."  Each suggestion also includes an amazing message that women, young and old, can appreciate and instill in their own quest for happiness!

Here are the 8 suggestions:

1.  Maxing out isn't healthy
2.  Buy more experiences and less stuff
3.  Focus on self-efficacy rather than self-esteem
4.  Take (good) risks
5.  Don't get stuck in your own faulty thinking
6.  Perfections really does not exist
7.  Vulnerability is good
8.  Avoid happiness traps

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fitness Friday Fact #12

What could be better than a day dedicated to dressing up and eating lots and lots of chocolate?!

Despite the many negatives that I have pointed out regarding sugar, most individuals give into their sweet tooth on Halloween.  Small portions of chocolate will not harm you, but if you happened to opt for one too many king sized snickers bars yesterday, you might be feeling a little "off" today.