Monday, March 31, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #33

Have I mentioned how excited I am that it is Spring?!  
Just in case I haven't (wink wink), here are 10 more ways to celebrate!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #33

I'm not sure if the warm, southern climate got the best of me this week, but ever since landing in Mississippi, I have been itching to start working out outside again!

Although the Northeast is just thawing out from its winter freeze, these toning exercises will make for a great spring sweat session!  Keep in mind that you will want to do at least 2 sets of each move, leaving little rest between sets to boost your fat burning potential!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #32

With all of the studies that have been published about sleeping, I cannot help but feel stress over a once peaceful activity!  

The most recent of these studies evaluated sleep positions and their connection with quality of sleep, overall well-being and future health problems.  The study broke sleepers into 3 categories; back sleepers, stomach sleepers and side sleepers.  Here is what was concluded:

Effects of Position:
Back Sleepers - Inclined to snore and suffer from sleep apnea
Stomach Sleepers - Prone to wrinkles and neck pain
Side Sleepers - (Right Side) Induced acid reflux

Ways to Improve Sleep / Health:
Back Sleepers - Place a pillow under knees and head
Stomach Sleepers - Place a thin / little pillow under neck and hips
Side Sleepers - Place a pillow under head / neck and in between knees

By making the necessary adjustments, each sleeper can reap the benefits of a comfortable sleep, a corrected weight distribution, a proper organ alignment and an improved health future!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday What Not #32

Keeping a diary is no longer just for teenage girls!  
In the world of health and nutrition, logging food choices is essential for understanding weight fluctuations, habits, intolerances and feelings of satiety.

In the past, I have used MyFitnessPal to keep track of what I ate on a daily basis.  I also used the app to keep track of my half marathon training progress.  Now, having purchased a Fit Bit Zip, I depend on my gadget to keep track of my caloric expenditures.  I also find it exciting to see how many steps I actually take while traveling for my job!

If you are interested in keeping tabs on your munching manners, I would highly recommend checking out MyFitnessPal or any of these Food Diary Apps.  Once you get into a documenting groove, you will be able to tweak areas of concern and build a better routine!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #32

While thumbing through one of my magazines, I stumbled upon a very interesting article that sparked my desire to "cook" outside of the box.  In the article, the author raved about the wide variety of available grains.  From Bulger to Quinoa - and all that fall between - whole grains can boost any dish by adding nutrition, texture and pizazz! 

Using the article as my motivation, I decided to try this recipe for a Wheat Berry Salad.  Wheat Berries are the "least processed form of wheat and are loaded with cancer fighting phytochemicals, fiber, protein, and Vitamin E." *  These whole wheat kernels are also perfect for palette purists and those just entering into the "grain game!" (This is because they mimic the taste and texture of tiny pasta)

Since wheat berries do take a bit of time to cook, you might consider making a large batch all at once.  Your leftovers can be stored in air-tight containers, in your refrigerator, for up to 7 days; making lunch prep even easier for the week!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #32

Each morning, Real Simple sends me an email with a Daily Thought for the day.  Unlike most who dread their inbox in the am, I anxiously await the bit of brightness that comes in the form of a quote or poem. 

This particular quote was sent to me at the beginning of March.  Not only was I drawn in because of the "author" (I ABSOLUTELY ADORE Ellen Degeneres), but I also truly connected to the meaning behind the words.  That connection stemmed from a thoughtful conversation that I had with my brother a few weeks back.

While sitting together and talking about our relationships, my brother opened up about his perspective on a woman's true beauty.  Listening to him say that a woman is best looking when she is confident in her own skin, made me realize the importance of loving yourself.  As Ellen Degeneres noted, superficial "extras", like clothing and makeup, are nice, but nothing trumps self awareness, self confidence and a genuine smile!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #32

As most of you know, I am a runner!  I love the feeling that I get as I take my first stride each morning and appreciate the jolt of natural endorphins that carry me through the day!  As a runner, however, I tend to let my strength and flexibility training fall to the wayside.  

Having recently been advised to focus more on strength and flexibility by my doctor, I have revamped my morning routine.  Such a switch was difficult at first, as I am a creature of habit, but over the past few weeks I have come to appreciate new forms of exercise.  

One really cool app that I found is Barre3.  This ITunes download has allowed me to work on my fitness while traveling for work.  Each workout "utilizes isometric holds to strengthen my body using my own body weight."  The intensities increase with small 1" movements, and as a whole, the exercises have helped to lengthen my body.

$4.99 has never been better spent ;)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #31

As if Saint Patrick's Day and the Beginning of Spring were not enough of a reason to celebrate, American's had one more excuse to rejoice this week; American Chocolate Week!  This sweet soiree, which began on March 17 and will run through March 23, was the perfect time to give into a craving that some avoid most other times of the year.

Avoiding chocolate, however, may not be the best course of action for a healthy life.  Such is the driving point of a new supplement study that would take cocoa flavanols and present them in pill form.  Doctors believe that this supplement would help to improve patients' blood pressure, cholesterol, artery health and maybe even lessen their risk of cancer.  

At this point, no sound data has been collected to support this new pill, but plenty is known about the health benefits of moderate dark chocolate ingestion.  By eating no more than 7 oz of this decadent dessert, you will benefit in the follow ways:

1.  Improved Heart Health
2.  "Increased" Weight Loss
3.  Reduced chances of Diabetes 
4.  Lessened Stress
5.  Increased Sun Protection
6.  Heightened Intelligence

Do you need any more reasons to unwrap a small sweet today?!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday What Not #31

Having dealt with a weather induced depression since packing my flip flops away, I am already celebrating this week's Spring Equinox!  In an effort to warmly welcome the new season, I thought it would be fitting to introduce you to the freshest of local produce

All of the fruits and vegetables that fall into the "April" category are considered fresh Spring Produce.  These items, when purchased and ingested, provide multiple benefits, including health perks, sustainability support and environmental awareness.  Not to mention, fresh finds taste MUCH better than their frozen counterparts!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #31

Having been a fan of Hungry Girl since moving in with my husband, I have kept this recipe for Mac and Cheese handy when in need of a quick, simple supper.  

This past weekend, however, with a little extra time on my hands, I decided to try something new with this comfort food classic.  My first thought was to use the cheesy pasta as a side dish for a roast chicken.  I thought better of that when I stumbled upon a can of crab meat at my local market.  

After preparing the macaroni and cheese as I would by following the original Hungry Girl recipe, I transferred the coated noodles into an 8 x 8 baking dish.  Next, I flaked the drained crab meat onto the pasta; making sure that the meat was evenly distributed.  Last, I prepared a bread crumb topping by combining 1/4 cup of breadcrumbs with 1 Tbs of melted butter.  Once those 2 ingredients were mixed together, I sprinkled it on top of the Crab and the Macaroni.

To complete the meal, I stuck the filled baking dish into the oven under a low broil.  I left it there for roughly 5 minutes, at which time the breadcrumbs were lightly toasted.

With barely enough time to let this "tasty treat" cool, my husband had devoured his dinner and was looking for seconds ;)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #31

In a recent photoshop SNAFU, Target published a bathing suit advertisement that featured a very skeletal looking young woman.  Among other sickly looking features, the model's "thigh gap" (which is the space between her legs) received the biggest scrutiny.  Recently this spot has become an unhealthy obsession amongst teen girls which has resulted in negative self body imaging. 

Rather than self destructive means, young girls, as well as mature women, can strengthen their adductors and tone their inner thigh area.  These exercises, outlined by Real Simple, can be performed at home with minimal equipment! Following the routine will help build healthy body mass and make "thigh gaps" strong and lean, not frail and feeble.

(After reading over this post, I can see how it may appear as though I am feeding into the obsession by pointing out these exercises.  I want you to know that this is not my intent, rather I want young girls and women to learn healthy ways to strengthen and love their bodies!)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #30

If you can remember WAAYY back to one of my first posts, you might recall Sarah Wilson and her "I Quit Sugar" journey.  Even though Sarah decided to leave sweets on the sideline because of her battle with Hashimotos (an autoimmune disease), her lifestyle change is one that has received a great deal of attention.

Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) brought its original sugar recommendation down from 10% to 5% of a person's daily caloric intake.  Such an amount would equate to roughly 100 calories per day.  Advocates of this proposal strongly feel as though the reduction in sugar intake will help to fight the obesity epidemic, reduce cases of Type II Diabetes and improve cardiovascular health amongst Americans.

In order to institute WHO's new recommendation into your everyday life, try these simple steps:

1.  Remove all non-whole foods from your diet  

2.  Be mindful that there are 4 calories in every 1 gram of sugar (That ratio will help you accurately measure your daily sugar intake and stay below the 25 gram and 100 calorie mark)

  3.  Check out this article published by US News and World Report that pairs "surprise sugars" with healthy alternatives!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday What Not #30

In college, my best friend and I decided that it would be more appropriate to call Saint Patrick's Day, "It's GREAT to be a Murphy Day!'"  At that time we were hard pressed to find much opposition, considering most of our friends were posing as Murphy's to make the most of the holiday anyway :)

Six years later, despite my new last name, I still celebrate the 17th in true Murphy Fashion and attempt to spread green goodness to all that I come in contact with.  

For the past 2 years, McDonald's has helped to make my "Green" initiative even easier by offering its seasonal shake in all 14,000 of its US restaurants.  Having first appeared on their menu in 1970, the Shamrock shake has developed a cult- like following and continues to grow in popularity each March.

With some not so great nutritional stats (i.e. the 8 grams of saturated fat and the 82 grams of sugar), this Shamrock "Shakeup" is a much better option.  Not only is the sugar count down to 19 grams, but the addition of avocados and organic yogurt make this treat a true "pot of gold!"

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #30

After being stricken with food poisoning during a recent trip to Ohio, I have been very hesitate to try new cuisine while on the road.  Such a decision has been deeply disappointing since many of the areas in which I visit have unique plates to share.

Last week while in Upstate New York I decided to take a leap of faith and try something out of the ordinary.  No, it was not the famous Buffalo Wings, rather Hamilton Whole Foods' Curry Tofu Salad.  Having been told that the taste was "out of this world,"  I couldn't wait to dig in.  After one bite, I was in food heaven and knew that I needed to find a way to replicate this recipe.

My pinterest poking and google glimpses lead me to this take on curry tofu.  Although slightly different from my lunch at the market, I figured I could use the new recipe as a starting point and add in the golden raisins, slivered almonds, tomatoes and toasted sesame dressing that Hamilton Whole Foods used!

Health note:  Tofu is made from fermented soybeans which can be an ideal source of protein and heart healthy fats.  If you are an individual who cannot tolerate heightened levels of soy or struggle with thyroid issues, tofu should be avoided.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #30

Last August, after graduating from IIN, I realized that I had a true passion for helping people live more healthfully.  In order to supplement my health coaching skill set, I decided to enroll in ISSA's Personal Training Certification course.  The online course required me to complete 33 mini exams and 1 final cumulative assessment which covered topics from human anatomy to supplementation to first aid.  

I am proud to report that after submitting my final test, I am now a certified Personal Trainer! Thrilled with the outcome and even more excited to seriously embark on a journey in the world of health and nutrition, I can't help but smile at the once overwhelming ISSA text book.  Opening the book and reading the first sentence was the little step that I needed to start a personally fulfilling journey.  

I hope that you too will be able to take a step, or even a tip-toe, toward your dream or goal.  I can say from experience that the "slight movement" is a rewarding exertion!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Fitness Friday Fact #30

Growing up, I was the furthest thing to a runner.  I "walked" during my middle school track tryout and "huffed and puffed" when attempting to jog with my pre-season soccer training cousin.  Today, however, my love for lacing up keeps me on the treadmill daily. 

My passion for this form of cardio exercise unfortunately leaves me at risk for injury and does not help to improve my overall strength.  If you can relate, we are not alone, as this tends to be the case for most runners.  Fear not, as there is a simple fix that will keep our sneakers striding! writer, Jeff Horowitz, recently shared this Total Body Strength Training Exercise.  In the article, Horowitz claims that this "kind of strength training, will make you a stronger, more injury resistant runner!"

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday's Trend Alert Dirt Report #29


As a way to truly get to know a new person, we were instructed to "never judge a book by its cover."  In the world of forming friendships, this is certainly a polite suggestion, but in the world of health and nutrition, this rule should not reign!

Food labels were first introduced in the early 1990's and were "based on eating habits and nutrition data from the 1970's and 1980's."  Since then the American diet has changed, which has led to outdated data on the packaging of our "go to" grub.  Not only are the current labels "old school," but their initial intent of promoting mindful eating is no longer a clear cut process for consumers.  

In an effort to modernize our munching and help prevent poor diet habits, the FDA has proposed "major changes to nutrition labels on food packaging, putting calorie counts in large type and adjusting portion sizes to reflect how much Americans actually eat." (See visual above)

The FDA, as well as health advocates like Michelle Obama, strongly feel as though this update will shed additional light on the "sweet tooth" American diet and help to fight against the obesity epidemic.  Although skeptics don't think that the new labels will have widespread effects, individuals who strive to eat and feel better will be able to form lasting food friendships by "judging [ food ] by its new cover."

((In addition to the FDA's proposal, check out how to better your buys by avoiding these food label traps))

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday What Not #29

As a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador, I recently had the opportunity to review an awesome athletic accessory.  This accessory was a Borelli Performance Scarf.  Check out what I had to say about the product and then consider picking one up for yourself :)

"In my line of work, I spend a great deal of time outside walking around college campuses.  Despite my countless layers of clothing and my “top of the line” winter gear, I have still managed to feel a chill in my bones.  Having dabbled too closely to frost bite one too many times this winter, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review a performance scarf.  My Black Borelli Scarf arrived just in time for my recent business trip to Ohio – a perfect icy environment for testing!

On the day of testing, I wrapped the scarf around my neck once, and paired it with a stripped ¾ length cotton tee and leggings.  After a quick check in the mirror, I felt as though the look and feel of the scarf was business / professional enough to host an information session. 

Upon arriving to campus and walking to my meeting, I still managed to feel the chill of the 3°F day.  What I did notice, however, was that the areas closest to my scarf were not covered in goose bumps, nor were they as painfully cold!  I also found that as my meeting progressed and my body adjusted to the indoor environment, my scarf continued to warm the areas that it was in contact with.  The warmth was nowhere near overwhelming and it certainly did not make me feel as though I was overheating. 

Happy to have been able to survive my recent campus tour sans hypothermia, I immediately went to the Borelli website in hopes to purchase a few more scarves in different colors.  I was thrilled to see their options and even more willing to shell out a few extra dollars when I discovered that my scarf could also be a summer accessory!"

((Thank You Borelli Design for sharing your product with me!))

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tasty Tuesday Treat #29

"In the world of winter greens, kale is KING."  
This victorious vegetable has definitely made its mark on mainstream and continuous to grow in popularity.  Such was the case when Wolfgang Puck dished a Kale Salad at the recent Governor's Ball and Michelle Obama "sillily" served Kale chips on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon!

Packed with vitamins A, C and K, as well as calcium and iron, Kale is definitely something to add to your shopping list!  In order to reap its benefits, however, you don't need to have culinary skills like Wolfgang Puck.  Instead, you can quickly whip up this tasty treat which will have your brain thinking "snack food" but your body knowing "good food"!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mindful Monday Inspiration #29

Whether it was the movies, the actors, the fashion or the pop culture buzz, I'm fairly certain that you were drawn into the Oscars last night!  I would be lying to you if I were to say that I was not star struck by nominees like Leonardo DiCaprio and in complete awe over the beautiful gowns that strutted down the red carpet.  

But it was not the fashions, nor the film faces that really got to me this year.  Instead, it was a quote from The Wolf of Wall Street star, Jonah Hill. During a Pre Oscar taping of the Howard Stern Show, Hill said the following in response to his "salary cut" for his work with Martin Scorsese:

"I would've done anything in the world.  I would do it again in a second...You should do things that you care about."

Hill's determination and complete awareness of his dream should act as an inspiration to all of us!  We should follow in his footsteps and focus on what is TRULY important and not on the by products.  Doing so will certainly award each of us with an oscar for personal "best performance."